The Russian and Eastern European Pediatric Health Organization (TRAEEPHO). Who are they, what do they do, and why?
Who is TRAEEPHO? The Russian and Eastern European Pediatric Health Organization (TRAEEPHO), is a Non-Profit Organization that provides homeless and orphaned Russian and Eastern European Children with a broad range of health care. Its services include medical care, medications, vitamins, formula, diapers, and clothing. They are distributed to needy children, regardless of sex, religion or ethnicity.
Why was TRAEEPHO started? While in nursing school at Villanova we were assigned a research paper on Pediatric health care. It is then I learned about the overwhelming health care problem of Homeless and Orphaned Children in Russia and Eastern Europe. From this information I felt compelled to do something and TRAEEPHO was started.
Who does TRAEEPHO Help? TRAEEPHO First Started working with an organization called Love’s Bridge in In 2004 with The Friends of The Children of Chernobyl with The Obolensky School The Children of Berezichi with Kharberd’s Center for Specialized Children (SCON) Republic of Armenia with Orphanage in St. Petersburg.
Who is Love’s Bridge? Love’s Bridge was started by my good friends Jered Markoff and his sister Christina. While visiting their Grandparents in Perm Russia they notice lots of children running around on the streets. In Russia along there are over 3 million Homeless children that either live on the Streets, or in Orphanages. Some estimate there are more then 3 million.
Who is Love’s Bridge? Who takes care of these children? Unless they are in an Orphanages, No one takes care of them. They fend for themselves on the streets.
Who is Love’s Bridge? Love’s Bridge is an organization dedicated to empowering street youth in Russia to overcome their addictions, resume studies and become self-reliant.
How does TRAEEPHO help Love’s Bridge? TRAEEPHO helps Love’s Bridge by supplying them with medications, vitamins, diapers, clothing, formula, and monetary means!!! We are working on a program with getting them books and videos in English.
Who are The Friends of The Children of Chernobyl (FOCC)? On 26 April 1986 at 01:23:40 a.m. reactor number four at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant located in the Soviet Union near Pripyat in Ukraine exploded. Further explosions and the resulting fire sent a plume of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere and over an extensive geographical area. Nearly thirty to forty times more fallout was released than Hiroshima.26 April1986Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Soviet UnionPripyatUkrainefallout
Who are the Friends of The Children of Chernobyl (FOCC)? The plume drifted over parts of the western Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Northern Europe, and eastern North America. Large areas in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were badly contaminated, resulting in the evacuation and resettlement of over 336,000 people. According to official post-Soviet data, about 60% of the radioactive fallout landed in Belarus.Eastern EuropeWestern EuropeNorthern EuropeNorth AmericaUkraineBelarusRussiaBelarus
Who are the Friends of The Children of Chernobyl (FOCC)? The fallout from Chernobyl will be at a haft life in 26,000 years from the date of April the 26, In total it will take Approximately 52,000 years before the land around Chernobyl is eradicated of radiation.
Who are The Friends of The Children of Chernobyl (FOCC)? After the explosion this is what was left of The Chernobyl Power Plant in Belarus / The Ukraine.
Who are The Friends of The Children of Chernobyl (FOCC)? Friends of Chernobyl's Children (UK) is a charity founded in 1995 that brings children, who are at risk, from Belarus to the United Kingdom for a month every year. The charity is named after the Chernobyl disaster of It is one of the oldest of the 20 Chernobyl-named charities registered with the Charity Commission.Each year over 1,000 children come over to Britain from orphanages or disadvantaged homes. They are also given a full year's supply of vitamins and medicine for them and, if money allows, other members of their family.BelarusUnited KingdomChernobyl disasterCharity Commission
How does TRAEEPHO help The FOCC ? Each year TRAEEPHO sponsors 2 children from Belarus / The Ukraine to go to the UK for treatment due to the effects of radiation from the fallout of Chernobyl. This includes Cancer treatments, Dental care, and a verity of other services. We also provide all new clothing.
Who are The Children of Berezichi? The Prince A.D. Obolensky School for Special Children was established in 1964 on the grounds of the Berezichi Estate, the ancestral home of the Obolensky family since the 14th century.The school is presently home to 80 children, ages Most are wards of the Russian State and come from the local area. They are mentally handicapped, autistic, or have suffered emotional abuse stemming from domestic violence and other socio economic problems.
Who are The Children of Berezichi? The school is the only safe and nurturing environment most of these children have ever known. Over 500 children have graduated from Berezichi and many have gone on to lead full and productive lives.
What does TRAEEPHO do for The Children of Berezichi? TRAEEPHO started a Vitamins program with The Obolensky School so the 80 to 100 children who live at the school can get the dietary supplements these young children need. Without our help many of these children would not get the Vitamins they need.
What is the Specialized Children's Home of Kharverds (SCON)? The Specialized Children’s Home of Kharverds is located in The Republic of Armenia. It is home to 226 special needs children, most of whom have Autism and other handicaps.
What does TRAEEPHO do for the Specialized Children's Home of Kharverds (SCON)? TRAEEPHO works with other organization such as the Deveux School to help train the staff of the SCON in working with handicapped children. Each year TRAEEPHO brings one staff member from the SCON to the U.S. for one week to get this vital training.
The Orphanage of St. Petersburg A new member to the TRAEEPHO family. The orphanage houses about 60 children who are all up for adoption. The children range from the age of 12 months to 17 years. At present we are supporting them with vitamins and we hope to expand help for them in the up coming months.
So now you know what TRAEEPHO does. So what is the take home message? You young man and women living here in U.S.A., in the area we live in, are all very Privileged!!! The children you heard about today and saw may never get the same Privileges as you!!!
So now you know what TRAEEPHO does. Seemingly small helps can make a big difference in other people’s lives. Any ordinary person, me or you, can help someone, even people we don’t know. Find some way you can help someone else, no matter how small, and do it!!! I hope today I provided you with awareness of what is going on in the would around you!!!!
For more information about TRAEEPHO. Or to find out how you can help! Go to our web site at Thank you all for listing and for your time!!!!