Jessica Leach Cynthia Mendoza Karla Hernandez Diana Sandate Permian Period Jessica Leach Cynthia Mendoza Karla Hernandez Diana Sandate
Types of Animals Crocodiles Frogs Reptiles Water animals Pterosaurs Synapdia Trilobites Dimetrodon
Types of Plants There is one plant that still exists today is called Ginkgo. Conifer were trees with seeds in cones Gymnosperms these plants had seeds Ferns which were also pine trees.
Interesting Facts Was named for the Perm province of Ural mountains in Russia The Permian Period lasted 280-230 Million Years Ago The Close of the Permian was marked worst Extinction ever recorded
Climate The Climate was very dry with continual changing of heat and cold In the south it was very cold and part of it was covered in snow It was much warmer back then
Major Events Meteor Crashed down on earth Pangaea was formed The rise of the mammal like reptiles Took up almost 106% of geologic time “The Great Dying” Most major event in Permian period
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