COMPANY 2 Engineering and production of socket joints pcs per month Year of foundation1995 Ownershipprivate No. of employees320 Working areas3580 m 2 CEOElena Paduchina
OUR MISSION 3 We open Russia for the World making production of European quality. Т ехнологии Р оссийские Е вропейское К ачество R ussian T echnology, Е uropean Q uality
PRODUCTION 4 Our brand has been ensuring consumer confidence for many years: Fourteenfold laureate of the «100 Best Products of Russia» contest; Russian Government Quality Award winner; Russian Government Quality Award diploma Results of the RPORC survey on customer satisfaction with TREK production (2012, %):
5 Quality Management System Производственные площади QMS certified for compliance with ISO/TS 16949:2009 QMS certified for compliance with ISO 9001:2008 in 1995
6 QUALITY Производственные площади Laureate of the «Quality Leader» award («100 Best Products of Russia» programme) Russian Government Quality Award. The only winner among Russian automotive parts manufacturers. Chelyabinsk Region Governor award for quality in the industrial sector. Fourteenfold laureate of the «100 Best Products of Russia» contest. Elevenfold diploma winner of the «100 Best Products of Russia» contest. Russian Government Quality Award diploma 2013.
7 CAR PLANTS Производственные площади Certified Level 1 supplier for «GAZ Group»: supply of ball joints for the production line of «GAZ», OJSC (Nizhny Novgorod) since 2003; Production approval from KIA Motors Corporation for the production line of «IzhAuto», OJSC. GM-AVTOVAZ, stabilizer link VALEO, shaft drive MITSUBA, shaft drive PROJECTS PSA Peugeot Citroën, stabilizer link
MODERN TECHNOLOGIES 8 Modern equipment from EMAG, GTS, Topper, Wenzel, LG; In-house production of tooling; In-house equipment maintenance and repair facilities by means of 1С ERP ТОиР system.
9 QUALIFIED PERSONNEL Производственные площади Synergy of experience, knowledge, skills of specialists in automotive, aircraft, defense industry; Visualized indicators of key processes; Continuous studying and implementation of best practices; QMS implementation concerns all processes of the company.
10 Производственные площади LEAN MANUFACTURING Pull system of parts delivery with use of Kanban cards and on-line registration 5S, STANDARDIZATION, TPM, SMED
Russian and Eurasian patents; Using of nanomaterials; Electronic development and management of design documentation (PDM, PLM systems); FMEA analysis; Strength calculation by finite-element method. 11 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Производственные площади
List of tests : Spectral analysis of the chemical composition of alloys based on Fe; rupture, compression, deflection, torsion tests; corrosion resistance tests for all types of coatings; evaluation of quality of metal heat treatment and metal structure; 3D control of geometrical parameters; vibration resistance and dynamic strength tests ; environmental tests (-70⁰С to +150⁰С). 12 TESTING LABORATORY Производственные площади Equipment: FOUNDRY-MASTER UVR (Germany), EUROTEST-С 200 (Spain), SP 510 (Welltech Hong Kong), FORCIPOL (Turkey), 206 RTD Digitronic (Italy), HLT 710 HD (France, Germany), Nikon Eclipse MA 100 (Japan), WENZEL (Germany), Servopulser SHIMADZU (Japan). Testing laboratory accredited for compliance to ISO/IEC 17025
13 Производственные площади TESTING LABORATORY
LOGISTICS 14 Distributing center in Moscow; Using of modern logistics tools: WMS, Kanban, EDI, GPS. IT field: 1С:ERP, 1С:Accounting, 1С:Payroll&HR, 1С:Logistics, 1С:Docflow, 1С:Facilities Management, 1С:PDM, self-engineered electronic archives, Compas, Solid Works, Wi-Fi network covering 100% of the territory of the production building.
ЗАО «ПО «Трек» Производственная площадка в г. Миасс 15 LOGISTIC MAP
POTENTIAL FOR DEVELOPMENT Unused working areas S =5500 m 2, Warehouse complex in Moscow region, Location in the region of rolled metal production, Highly qualified personnel, Launch of new products related to socket joints on a full cycle basis from engineering and development to series supplies in 4-6 months. 17
Thank you for your attention 18