Byeong-Joo Lee
Byeong-Joo Lee Interfacial Reactions – References Prediction of Interface Reaction Products between Cu and Various Solder Alloys by Thermodynamic Calculation Byeong-Joo Lee, N.M. Hwang and H.M. Lee, Acta Materialia 45, (1997). Thermodynamic Analysis of Solid State Metal/Si Interfacial Reactions Byeong-Joo Lee, J. Materials Research 14, (1999). Prediction of Ti/Al2O3 Interface Reaction Products by Thermodynamic Calculation Byeong-Joo Lee, J. Korean Institute of Metals & Materials 34, (1996). Prediction of Ti/Al2O3 Interface Reaction Products by Diffusion Simulation Byeong-Joo Lee, Acta Materialia 45, (1997). Numerical Procedure for Simulation of Multicomponent and Multi-Layered Phase Diffusion Byeong-Joo Lee, Metals and Materials 5, 1-15 (1999). Numerical Simulation of Diffusional Reactions between Multiphase Alloys with Different Matrix Phases Byeong-Joo Lee, Scripta Materialia 40, (1999). Prediction of the Amount of Retained delta-ferrite and Microsegregation in an Austenitic Stainless Steel Byeong-Joo Lee, Z. Metallkunde 90, (1999).
Byeong-Joo Lee Interfacial Reactions
Byeong-Joo Lee Interfacial Reactions Motivation
Byeong-Joo Lee Interfacial Reaction between Cu and Various Solder -Experimental Observation ▶ Cu/Sn : Cu 6 Sn 5 ▶ Cu/Sn-Pb eutectic : Cu 6 Sn 5 ▶ Cu/Sn-Ag eutectic : Cu 6 Sn 5 ▶ Cu/Sn-Zn eutectic : CuZn_γ ▶ Cu/Sn-In eutectic : Cu 2 (Sn,In) or Cu 2 In 3 Sn
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Solder/Substrate Interfacial Reactions – Cu/Sn Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Solder/Substrate Interfacial Reactions – Cu/Sn Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Solder/Substrate Interfacial Reactions – Cu/Pb-Sn Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Solder/Substrate Interfacial Reactions – Cu/Ag-Sn Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Solder/Substrate Interfacial Reactions – Cu/Sn-Zn Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Thin Film Reactions – Metal/Si Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Thin Film Reactions – Metal/Si Reaction SiSample PreparationHeat TreatmentMeasurementAmorphousFirst Silicideref. crystal (111) triode d.c. sputtering bilayer (Ti: 95,400nm) isothermal (30min at 500 o C) XRD/TEM- Ti 5 Si 3 & TiSi 50 crystal (111) electron-gun deposition bilayer (Ti: 300nm) isothermal 120min at 500 o C RBS- a TiSi & TiSi 2 51 polycrystalmagnetron S-gun sputtering bilayer (Ti: 100nm) isothermal (40min at 600 o C) XRD- TiSi & TiSi 2 52 crystal evaporation bilayer (Ti:100nm) isothermal (30min at 750 o C) RBS/XRD- TiSi & TiSi 2 53 amorphous or electron-gun deposition bilayer (Ti: 90nm) isothermal (20min at 450 o C) Backscattering Spectroscopy - TiSi 54 crystal (111) electron-beam evaporation bilayer (Ti: 3nm) isothermal (30min at 600 o C) TEM- TiSi & TiSi 2 55 crystal (100) conventional HV sputtering bilayer (Ti: 30nm) isothermal (60min at 650 o C) RBS/TEM- TiSi 2 (C49) 56 crystal electron-gun evaporation bilayer (Ti: 140nm) isothermal (120min at 550 o C) RBS/XRD/TEM- b TiSi 2 57 amorphouselectron-beam evaporation trilayer (Ti: 10~100nm) isothermal (~300s at 560 o C) TEMyes SSA Ti 5 Si 3 45 amorphous or sputter-deposition a-Si/Ti/Si trilayer (Ti: 23nm) isothermal (60min at 500 o C) TEM/RBSyes SSA TiSi 2 (C49) 58 crystal (100) sputter deposition bilayer (Ti: 25~35nm) isothermal (30min at 460 o C) HRTEM/EDSyes SSA TiSi 2 (C49) 59 crystal (111) UHV e-beam evaporation a-Si/Ti/Si trilayer (Ti: 30nm) isothermal (30min at 450 o C) in-situ RHEED /HRTEM yes SSA c Ti 5 Si 3 60 poly Sirf sputtering bilayer (Ti: 55nm) heating (10 o C/m) to 510 o C XTEM/STEMyes SSA TiSi 2 (C49) 61 crystal (100) magnetron sputtering bilayer (Ti: 32,51nm) heating (15 o C/min) to approx. 800 o C IR-abs spect. XRD/resistivity yes SSA TiSi 2 (C49) 62 crystal (100) magnetron sputtering bilayer (Ti: 32,46nm) heating (3,20 o C/s) to approx. 800 o C in-situ XRD- Ti 5 Si 3 /Ti 5 Si 4 63
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Thin Film Reactions – Metal/Si Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Thin Film Reactions – Metal/Si Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Interfacial Reactions – Metal/Si Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Metal/Ceramics Interfacial Reactions – Ti/Al 2 O 3 Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Application to Metal/Ceramics Interfacial Reactions – Ti/Al 2 O 3 Reaction
Byeong-Joo Lee Moving Boundary Problem – Basic Equation
Byeong-Joo Lee Multi-Component Diffusion Simulation – Case Study : Fe-Cr-Ni
Byeong-Joo Lee Multi-Component Diffusion Simulation – Case Study : Fe-Cr-Ni
Byeong-Joo Lee Multi-Component Diffusion Simulation – between Multi-Phase Layers
Byeong-Joo Lee Multi-Component Diffusion Simulation – between Multi-Phase Layers
Byeong-Joo Lee Multi-Component Diffusion Simulation – between Multi-Phase Layers