Surrealism An art movement which began in the 1920’s that used dreamlike or fantasy images as its subject matter.
Exotic Jungle Scene Henri Rousseau ( ) “Tropical Forest with Monkeys”
Max Ernst ( ) “Eye of Silence”
Techniques for Creating a Surrealist Picture: Transformation Juxtaposition Dislocation Levitation Scale
Transformation Changing an object’s characteristics
Salvador Dali ( ) Considered in the “Father” of Surrealism “The Persistence of Memory”
Frida Kahlo ( ) “The Little Deer” Mexican Painter Created a lot of self-portraits
Juxtaposition Putting two objects side by side, that repeat the same form but in different substances.
Magritte “Le Belle Societe ”
Magritte “The Human Condition”
Dislocation Putting an object in a place where it normally wouldn’t belong.
Rene Magritte ( ) French Surrealist “Time Transfixed” Often showed clouds in his work
Magritte “The Portrait” Magritte “The False Mirror”
Levitation Objects that float that usually do not.
Dali “Still Life Fast Moving”
Magritte, “Golconda”
Scale Changing the object’s size, so that it becomes out of proportion to its environment.
Dali “Personal Values”