Andre Breton
Bosch : The Garden of Earthly Delights
De Chirico: The Mystery & the Melancholy of a Street, 1911
De Chirico: The Disquieting Muses, 1916
De Chirico: The Uncertainty of The Poet, 1913
Max Ernst Ernst, The Robing of the Bride, 1940
Max Ernst: Une Semaine de Bonte, 1933
Salvador Dali
Dali: The Persistence of Memory, 1931
Dali: Lugubrious Game, 1929
Magritte, The Treason of Images,
Picasso, Glass of Absinthe, 1914 Influence:
Oppenheim: Luncheon in Fur, 1936
Giacometti: Woman with Her Throat Cut, 1932
Giacometti: Woman with Her Throat Cut, 1932
Giacometti: Disagreeable Object
Giacometti: Palace at 4a.m.
Giacometti: Palace at 4a.m.
Giacometti: Surrealist Table
Arp: Head with three Annoying Objects, 1930