Stravinsky, Rite of Spring (1913) (choreographer Serge Diaghilev, Ballets Russes)
Marcel Duchamp, Fountain (1917)
Marcel Duchamp, L.H.O.O.Q. (1919)
Sophie Taeuber and Hans Arp, Duo Collage (1918)
To make a Dadaist poem: Take a newspaper. Take a pair of scissors. Choose an article as long as you are planning to make your poem. Cut out the article. Then cut out each of the words that make up this article and put them in a bag. Shake it gently. Then take out the scraps one after the other in the order in which they left the bag. Copy conscientiously. The poem will be like you. And here you are a writer, infinitely original and endowed with a sensibility that is charming though beyond the understanding of the vulgar. -- Tristan Tzara (1920)
George Grosz, Everyman His Own Football (1919)
Raoul Hausmann, A Bourgeois Precision Brain Incites a World Movement (aka Dada Triumphs) (1920)
Réné Magritte, The Treachery of Images ( ) “This is not a pipe.”
Giorgio de Chirico, Melancholy and Mystery of a Street (1914)
Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory (1931)
Miró, Birth of the World (1925)
Paul Cézanne, Ginger Jar and Fruit (1895)
Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907)
Pablo Picasso, Woman in Hat (1935)
Georges Braque, Glass on a Table ( )
Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase (1912)
Gino Severini, Blue Dancer (1912)
Umberto Boccioni, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space (1913 )
Umberto Boccioni, Dynamism of a Soccer Player (1913)
Erich Mendelsohn, Einstein Tower (1921)
Walter Gropius, Bauhaus building, Dessau (1926)
Le Corbusier, Villa Savoie (1929)
Breuer chair (1928)
Picasso, Guernica (1937)