SURREALISM French: ‘Beyond Real’
Salvador Dali
Philippe Halsman - Dali Skull
Salvador Dali - The Persistence of Memory
Salvador Dali - Metamorphosis of Narcissus
Salvador Dali - Three Sphinxes of Bikini
Salvador Dali - City of Drawers
Salvador Dali - Lobster Phone
Man Ray - Iron
Max Ernst – Europe After the Rain 2_detail
Max Ernst – Temptation of St. Anthony
Max Ernst – The Banquet of the Sphinx – 1940
Max Ernst – The Eye of Silence
Max Ernst – The Forest
Rene Magritte - The False Mirror
Rene Magritte - Not to be Reproduced
Rene Magritte - La Condition Humaine
Rene Magritte - The Dominion of Light
Rene Magritte - The Seducer
Rene Magritte - The Red Model
Rene Magritte - Intermission
R.S. Beal - Disrobing of the Bride