An assessment of good practise in relation to the re-use or replacement of the 1960s buildings. How did we achieve it? What makes a design sustainable ? Lessons learnt from our program and decision making. Derry Caleb Director of Estates and Facilities Management University of Surrey The University of Surrey Sustainable after 40 Years
Across the whole sector over 67% pre Surrey is one of those HE’s where over 60% of their current facilities were constructed in the 1960’s and 70’s The improvements resulted in a reduction of over 2000 tonnes of carbon and energy by 8000MWhrs. 10 to 12 year program. Buy in by VC’s, DVC’s, Council, Staff The University of Surrey Sustainable after 40 Years
Need for corporate vision, agreed Estate Strategy– and acceptance of cost and shared risks. (This corporate vision and support must be maintained over period of change- 2VC, 2DVC, 2 Finance Directors and 4 Major University restructuring) Initial recognition that we may need to change program over time and phasing of works to adapt to funding and selection of work will be undertaken on an efficient use of resources basis and managed robustly. Affordability Decanting costs Trial works The University of Surrey Sustainable after 40 Years
The designs were based on a fully considered structure and included lessons learnt from earlier designs. Flexibility and Life cycle analysis was an important factor. Recognition of churn Ref “Laboratories Investigation unit ” The University of Surrey Sustainable after 40 Years
Important to choose the building that will have the most impact and will help to drive forward program first. The University of Surrey Sustainable after 40 Years
Buildings Refurbished 8 Academic Buildings between m2 each and 2 major non academic Each floor plate approx 1000m2. Projects undertaken floor by floor. 80% of window replacement done without decanting. Ventilation replaced with recirculation where possible The University of Surrey Sustainable after 40 Years
Change prediction 10 years Actual change > 25 years. Future proofing the design is an essential part of the process. Slab to slab height must be sufficient for various uses and to provide additional plant. Vertical access through the buildings for services. Frame structure – sound condition and Grid dimensions / layout must be suitable for multiple uses. Barriers within the structure considered Ability to repair / upgrade Adapable The University of Surrey Sustainable after 40 Years
Lessons learnt Take a more Holistic approach to infrastructure. Long term evaluation and maintain and coordinate funding. Long programs have an impact on technology. Force through Life Cycle Analysis on new build and refurbishment projects Never Assume and do not take your eye off of the ball. Must obtain buy-in Mutual benefit The University of Surrey Sustainable after 40 Years
The new campus 40 years on has altered the landscape significantly increased trees and scrubs added two lakes creating greater biodiversity. The university is a sustainable activity and its impact on the locality has been fantastic!!!!!! The University of Surrey Sustainable after 40 Years