You CAN NOT, NOT communicate.
How do you interpret this picture?
Nonverbal Communication Chapter 4
Definition Nonverbal Communication is “the process of using MESSAGES THAT ARE NOT WORDS to generate meaning” (p. 86).
Nonverbal Communication
Verbal & Nonverbal Comm: Coexisting Together Repetition Same message sent verbally and nonverbally. Emphasis Using NV to strengthen your message. Complementation V & NV add meaning to each other and expand on either message alone.
Verbal & Nonverbal Comm: Coexisting Together Contradiction V & NV conflict. Lying? Substitution NV says it all. Regulation NV used to monitor and control interactions.
Nonverbal Codes Kinesics Proxemics Attraction Chronemics Haptics (Tactics) Paralinguistics Artifacts
Types of Nonverbal Codes Kinesics Body Movement and Facial Expressions Posture, movement, facial expressions
Types of Nonverbal Codes Kinesics (continued) Emblems – movements that substitute words and phrases. Illustrators – accompany or reinforce V. Affect displays – emotional displays. Regulators – control flow or pace of interaction. Adaptors – public adaptations of private behavior.
Types of Nonverbal Codes Space Proxemics (E.T. Hall) – The study of the human use of space and distance. Territoriality How do you mark a space as YOURS??? Personal Space How “close” is close enough???
Types of Nonverbal Codes Proxemics (continued) You 0-18’’18’’-4’ 4’-12’ 12’-Infinity Intimate Intimate Distance Personal Personal Distance Social Social Distance Public Public Distance
Types of Nonverbal Codes Physical Attraction In groups, discuss what you find attractive in potential boyfriends/girlfriends To a large extent, these are learned. KNI KNI KNI
Types of Nonverbal Codes Time Chronemics – “the way people organize and use time and the messages that are created because of our organization and use of it” (p. 89).
Types of Nonverbal Codes Touching Tactile communication – “the use of touch in communication” (p. 90).
Types of Nonverbal Codes Paralinguistics – along with words Vocal cues – “all of the oral aspects of sound except words themselves” (p. 92)
Types of Nonverbal Codes Vocal Cues Pitch – highness or lowness of voice Rate – how rapidly or slowly you speak Inflection – variety or changes in pitch
Types of Nonverbal Codes Vocal Cues Volume – loudness/softness Quality – unique voice characteristics (huskiness, nasality, raspiness, whininess) Nonword sounds – “mmm” “ahh” “umm” “huh”
Types of Nonverbal Codes Vocal Cues Pronunciation – correct speech Tournament Mom Articulation – opposite of mumbling Enunciation – pronunciation + articulation Silence – lack of sound
Types of Nonverbal Codes Object language – “the study of human use of clothing and other artifacts as nonverbal codes” (p. 94).
What artifacts do you see?
Group Discussion Time 1.What nonverbal artifacts are considered undesirable or inappropriate by US/Japan (in business, family, society)? 2.How is space (in general) used differently? 3.What differs about the way in which kinesics are interpreted/used? (emblems, illustrators, regulators, etc.) 4.What about clothing? Touching? Public displays of affection?