Grade 12 Vocabulary Trimester 1 Weeks 5-6
AUTO: self
autocratic adj. rule by one supreme ruler; dictatorial Thankfully, Diman has an autocratic disciplinary structure led by Mr. Aubin.
automaton n. a robot Automaton is an old word for robot.
autobiography n. one's life story written by oneself Obviously, it is a little late for a new Michael Jackson autobiography.
autonomous adj. self-governing Many students are autonomous and living apart from their parents.
ILE: related to
docile adj. easy to teach and discipline Remarkably, his new pit bull was docile.
agile adj. flexible Not surprisingly, many gymnasts are agile.
versatile adj. having various talents Students studying in Facilities Management are very versatile.
projectile an object that is thrown Drinking too much alcohol can cause projectile vomiting.
futile adj. ineffectual; useless My kids laugh at my futile efforts to play Call of Duty 2.
tactile adj. perceived by touch Because of audio books, many blind people are losing their tactile ability to read Braille.
LEG: law
legacy n. inheritance Many parents pass on a legacy of substance abuse to their children.
legislative adj. having the power to make a law The United States Congress is the core of the legislative branch of government.
legitimate adj. legal Many questioned whether the presidency of George W. Bush was legitimate.
illegitimate adj. born to unmarried parents; unlawful Illegitimate children are very common in the United States.
VOC: voice; call
evoke v. to call out from the past (like a memory or spirit) Playing “Sonic the Hedgehog” may evoke memories from the early days of video games.
invoke v. to call on for a blessing, help, etc. Many Christian boxers make the sign of the cross to invoke their god before a match.
vociferous adj. shouting loudly Teachers seldom appreciate vociferous students.
convocation n. an assembly or gathering Graduation will be a large convocation.
provoke: v. to call forth anger; instigate Don’t provoke Mike Tyson by stealing his tiger.
advocate v. to speak or write in favor of Many people across the country advocate same sex unions; many are against it.