COMPOUND WORDS By: Willson Aguilar
First Grade Language Arts Standards 1.13 Read compound words and contractions
These are all words, right? bed eye ice brow pot tack news clip pig paper These are all words, right? tail pop sand paper lady box thumb corn bug flower cream time
pop + corn = popcorn COMPOUND WORDS Did you know that two words can be put together to make a new word with a new meaning? pop + corn = popcorn
bed + time = bedtime + =
+ pot flower = flowerpot = +
Lady + bug = ladybug + =
ice + cream = icecream + =
pig + = tail pigtail = +
Review Two words can be put together to make a new word with a new meaning.
bug pig pot ice time flower tail bed cream pop corn lady Put the words together to make Compound words, draw a line matching! bug pig pot ice time flower tail bed pop cream lady corn
Write down three other compound words. 1. 2. 3.
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