He feels sad.
What color ends with the letter ‘d’?
She has blond hair.
He is reading a book.
What are 2 words for ‘ ’?
1. kid 2. child
He is making his bed.
… because he got third place. …because he is third.
Pigs love mud.
The birds are making a nest.
She has no friends.
This is an old sewing machine.
They are playing in the sand box.
Her bread is burnt.
Her feet smell bad.
They are playing a board game.
His wife died.
The wizard is blocking the bridge.
He has a cold.
…because she heard a strange sound.
They are behind the bushes.
Woof…woof …woof!
She is feeding her dog.
He is surprised. He is shocked.
He has a bee beard. He has a beard of bees.
They are tomatoes and sunflower seeds.
It has a gold tooth.
He is cleaning the yard.
She is buying a card.
They are picking up firewood.
They live in a pond.
They are just married. They just married. They just got married.
We use pigeons to send messages.
He is afraid of injections. He is scared of injections.
It is stupid.
They are playing in the playground.
The man on the right is bald. He is bald.
They are sitting around the round table. The table is round.
She is in the tub.
They are crossing the road.
They have no food.
He is holding many things. He held many things.
He is standing on the stage. He stood on the stage.
They are shaking hands.
He is standing on his head. He is on his head.
The cows are eating grass in the field. The cows are grazing in the field.
He is on an island.
He is holding a sword and a shield.
He is finding treasure. He found a box.
They are English words.
_____ to meet you! _____ to meet you, too!
Glad to meet you! Glad to meet you, too!
He is saying bad words. He said bad words.
He fell asleep because he was bored. … because he was bored.
They are wild animals.
He is looking for a guard dog.
There is a sled in front of the igloo. The sled is in front of the igloo.
They are folding clothes.
He is giving blood. He is donating blood.
She uses thread to sew.
They had a party.
They are recording a new song.
The airplane is landing at the airport.
They are staring at a blind man.
She is pulling out some weeds.
He is bending over to touch his toes.
Her red cape has a hood.
Mom made squid soup for dinner.
What is another word for ‘brave’?
brave = bold