page 1 Animation Movie Market Scoping out the animation landscape qualitatively
page 2 Background Animation generally & marketplace exploration The horizon: Cloudy, With A Chance Of Meatballs
page 3 methodology In both sets of groups, all the work was qualitative Two matched sets of focus groups covering: Moms of 6 to 11 years olds Children ages 8 to 11 Young teens ages 12 to 14 Males & Females 25 to 34 CORE FAMILY CONSUMERS CONSUMERS AGING OUT POTENTIAL CROSS-OVER CONSUMERS (for general animation groups only) Ethnicity and socio-demographics were controlled and contrasted in both studies All respondents were regular consumers of the genre, having seen 1+ of the following 2007 movies: And seen at least one of the following:
page 4 methodology: general animation groups As visual stimuli, posters of animated movies were used... FALL SUMMER Year 1 SPRING Year 2
page 5 story and character Despite the tremendous amount of animated pictures in wide release, only a handful capture attention as original and intriguing Moviegoers are tired of seeing the same characters and plots My mom and I thought it was a copy of Madagascar -- child, Costa Mesa Unoriginal…it was just like Antz or A Bugs Life. -- mom, Orange Wholesome, positive messages are good selling points Not simply monitoring what kids watch Though Hispanic moms are more concerned about inappropriate humor or frights than general audience moms are
page 6 story and character The favorite characters are generally cute, funny and human Vulnerability Reminding you of a family member: Shrek and husbands! Big eyes, cute and human facial expressions are key A good villain completes the mix Leaven with humor Need to see the Achilles Heel: Vanity, greed, whatever Funny but formidable -- otherwise it’s cartoonish and cheesy
page positive/negative One mother liked the bear, and said he even had Martin Lawrence’s eyes and facial expressions Key attributes of the plot were not well recalled Few had story recall; they described the movie by genre Many appreciated the comedy in the movie Character names were not well recalled The settings did not have a strong impact on those who had seen the movie Viewership was good
page 8 “And now, for the weather…”
page 9 Cloudy: Characters Looks like a geek Many human traits (shy, reserved, tentative) Doesn’t come across as a hero Might be too stereotypical How old is he really? Self assured career woman Cute with great eyes and good smile She’s stylin’ Sexpot and body image worries all moms She’s so much older and wiser than Flint that it’s hard to recall they’re peers Not a role model or ideal: A prom queen, not girl next door