GFS 2012 Kick Off Meeting Feb 2012
2011 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY By Region, By Engineering, By Factory 80% 15% Novec Pre-Eng FM200 ($ millions) 5% TaiwanHK/MacauChinaTotals KFS CFS Sub- Total
PERFORMANCE By Account Kidde Fire Systems Chemetron US$ ‘M
PLAN BREAKDOWN Key Accounts Only ($ millions) Business Unit 2011 Actual 2012 Plan Sensor$2.3 $2.4 Chubb$1.5 $1.5 Pacific Sense$0.3 $0.5 Acorp$0.4 $0.5 Jovian$0.6 $0.6 Sensor TMRT ShongShan Line Novec1230 $0.4M TPC GinMao Substation FM200 $0.5M East United Chemical FM200 $0.2M Chang Gung Hospital FM200 $0.5M Bao Ai Military FM200 $2.2M Chubb HSBC ShekMun Novec1230 $1.5M RXL Terminal Novec/FM200 $1.6M PCCW Novec1230 $0.2M Pacific Sense Macau Light Rail FM200 $0.3M New Macau University FM200 $0.3M HKG Colo Data Center Novec1230 $0.2M Acorp CCB Wuhan data centre FM200 $4.0M XinChiang Power Plant FM200 $0.2M XiaoGuang Thermo Power FM200 $0.3M Jovain Beijing Soho FM200 $0.4M National Library FM200 $0.3M
6 Growth Initiatives Revenue China Mega project (CCB WuHan, BOC Beijing) $4M Taiwan Chemetron Sales Expansion – Appoint Secom $0.5M Re-launch KF suppression to HKG/Macau (Pacific Sense & PTI) $0.6M Novec Opportunity (Taiwan MRT & HSBC IG-541 Replacement) $0.4M ($ million) 6
ChallengeProblemRequired ActionsInitiatives How to achieve growth in Taiwan Lack of exposure in commercial market segment Demand has soften from Industry market segment due to SEMI- CONDUCTOR factory relocate to China Continue ADS spec-in Maintain good relationship with big 3 telecom company New CFS distributor – Secom Use Secom to penetrate new market segment (Commercial & Bank) Maintain suppression business in Taiwan CFS sales expansion Vertical Distributor – marine & Wet Chem Vertical market segment sales forecast Why not success in China Key products - FM200, Novec, Co2, Argonite, wet chemical. All lines do not meet codes in China Tyco dominant UL/FM market for years Sales number too low in China as distribution network not well developed. Only one distributor “Acorp” Continue to loose market share Local manufacture competition Shanghai team – simply no good Dedicate resource to China Recruit new people Renew ADS approval Localize key lines Continue to work with UTC but need to develop new distribution channel by our own sales force Provide training to Shanghai team and new distributor Weekly sales review call with distributor and Shanghai team At least 2 Seminars Localize Argonite system. Localize FM200 ADS system. Add resources to drive sales channel development Target Mega project CCB Wuhan $4m Bank of China $1m How to growth Kidde Fenwal suppression business in HKG & Macau KF suppression is not performing well in HKG & Macau Sales number is too low as HLK is too old and not interested Loss of market share to Tyco Find new distributors for HKG and Macau Training and tech back-up Use Chubb TEC to do product Spec-in Weekly review to enforce distribution management KF Sales expansion for HKG & Macau Recapture market share from Tyco How to achieve sales growth for Novec1230 Too rely on FM200 Customer resist to change FM200 price is still uncertain Hard push Novec for small/medium job Chubb focus Novec for mega project in HK Pursue local banking segment in Taiwan Novec1230 conversion and promotion 2012 PLAN CHALLENGE
Key Opportunity – China CCB Wu Han Data Center Bank of China Shao guan Power Plan Beijing SOHO SMIC Shanghai ($ millions)
Key Opportunity – Taiwan TMRT Shong Shan Line Far Easton Telecom Boi Ai Muilitary Building TPC GinMao FM200 Chung Hwa Telecom E-IDC Chang Gung Memorial Hospital ($ millions)
Key Opportunity – HKG & Macau HSBC TKO Data Center Novec Novec $1.5M Express Rail Link Novec1230/FM-200 – $1.6M Macau Light Rail Novec $0.2M HKCOLO Data Centre FM200 - $1M Macau University FM200 - $0.3M MTR Ventilation Building FM200 - $0.5M ($ millions)
Key Issue - China Bill Goldstucker Alvin Lee New Salesman Jovian Acorp Acorp South UTC Shanghai China Approvals Renew Sales Channel Development New Sales Force Reinforce Distribution Management
Key Issue – HKG & Macau New Distributor for Kidde-Fenwal CHUBB 1. Chubb HKG office manage North East Asia market (include Korea & Japan) 2. NEA Sales conference in Feb 3. Master Trainer 12 Use Chubb TEC to Specify Project Work with “Chubb Techincal Engineering Centre” to do product specification work Regular seminar and marketing activity Use TEC to push Novec. Target Customer Government, Telecom & Data Center Ashland to provide training to TEC TEC to support NEA Region
Thank You