The Habitat of the Earth Worm Connie Smith
Teacher information Content Area: Science Grade Level: 3rd grade Summary: The purpose of this instructional Power Point is for the student to obtain the basic information about an earthworm of how they live what type of food they eat, how they obtain that food, and how they are involved within the ecosystem. Learning Objective: Given a website that contains facts on the habitat of an earth worm and links to vocabulary words within the text the student will decipher the material to answer questions within the power point with 90% accuracy. Content Standard: 0307.3.4: Use a piece of text to obtain basic information about how plants and animals obtain food. State Performance Indicator: 0307.3.2 Recognize that animals obtain their food by eating plants and other animals. Accomplishment: Science Standard 3- Flow of Matter and Energy and how Matter and Energy flow through the biosphere from plants to animals or vis. versa.
The Earth Worm Introduction The earth worm is something we see everyday, but have we ever asked ourselves what is important about the earthworm? How do they live, can they hear, or see? The following slides will answer some of those questions as well as the website you will visit today to learn why the earthworm is important not only to us but to the environment around us. ENJOY AND HAVE FUN
Earth Worm Questions and Answers Where do they live? All over the world What kind of habitat do they need? Anywhere there is moist soil.
Earth Worm Question and Answers What do they eat? Dead and decaying plant material. What roles do they have in the ecosystem? They are very important to the soil.
Earth Worm Q&A How do they behave? How do they interact with us? During the day they stay in their burrows. How do they interact with us? They enrich the soil. If you cut an earth worm into parts will it grow back together?? Click the website for the answer and more on the habitat of the earth worm. BIO Kids Website
All earthworm species need what soil conditions to survive. Moist Dry Wet
Correct All earthworms species need MOIST soil conditions to survive. If the soil is to dry the earthworm will dry out.
What do earthworms mostly eat? Leaves Grain Soil
Correct Earthworms eat mostly leaves. However they also eat dead and decaying plant material, tiny roots, and dead roots.
Why are earthworms so important to the soil? They carry organic material deep into the soil. They are not important to the soil. The soil is where they make their home.
Correct Very good the earth worm not only carries organic material into the soil. They also break down dead plant material, and their burrows help air and water get deep into the soil.
Summary You have now increased your knowledge of the earth worm. You have not only learned an earthworm lives in moist soil, but that they eat dead and decaying material. Just think about it if we didn’t have earth worms to eat the dead and decaying plant material we would have to walk through it every day. Most importantly you understand why earthworms are important to us, they not only carry organic material into the soil, but the burrows they build help air and water get deeper into the soil helping plants to grow.
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