Class Rules 1. Come to class prepared with pencil or pen, a spiral notebook and a binder every day. DO NOT walk into class empty handed.
2. Be seated with your warm-up notebook and pencil out when the bell rings, or you will be banished to the office. (A detention comes with that. Avoid it.)
3. No eating or drinking, unless it is WATER. Pure, unadulterated, clear, unflavored water! (If you are eating or drinking anything other than water, you’ll receive detention.) If you bring a drink or food to class, simply place it on my desk and take it with you after class.
4. Keep your cell phone in your pocket or bag. I see it, I take it! Confiscated phones will be taken down to the office to be picked up by a parent or guardian. No exceptions, even for first time offenders!
5. Put away your iPod and keep earphones out of your ear. There MAY be times when I will allow you to use your iPod—but unless you receive the go-ahead from me, keep it out of sight!
6. If you are seen drawing on a desk, you’ll come in after school to clean my room. Big cleaning.
7. Warm-ups will not be accepted on individual sheets of paper. Notebook or death (meaning: an F.) Make sure your heading includes name and date at the top of EVERY entry.
8. The class website is your go-to place for all your English needs! If you are absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed and what you need to do to make it up. I will not track you down to tell you what to do. It’s up to you!
9. You have one week to turn in late work for half credit. After that, it’s too late! Check the website for any handouts/assignments if you’re absent. Access the website through Snap-grades. )
10. Take care of all “preparing for class business” (pencil sharpening, notebook gathering…) BEFORE class. Once the bell rings, class has begun and you should be ready. If you are not ready and seated, you will be considered tardy and sent to the office. A well-prepared student. We like him.
11. The nature of theatre requires a lot of STUFF. Props, costumes, lights, furniture….the storage of these things requires extreme organization. I absolutely demand that you respect the theatre space, and DO NOT touch things without permission.
12. You will be a respectful audience member. You will not talk during other’s performances. If you cannot respect this rule, you will be asked to leave the class. You may or may not be asked to return.