10/20/2015 Welcome! School Year Baines Middle School Mrs. Carter 7 th grade TX History
Which principal and counselor is in charge of my grade level? 7 th grade Assistant Principal Dr. Matthew Milner 7 th grade Counselor Tammy Zwahr
Parent Conferences/School Contact Conference Time: Monday-Friday 12:20 – 1:10 Weblink: cfm?ExchangeIndex=23143 Phone Number: School Carter QR code to my website.
10/20/ st Period- 8:55-9:55 2 nd Period- 10:00-10:50 3 rd Period- 10:55-11:45 LUNCH- 11:45–12:15 4 th Period- 12:20-1:10 5 th Period- 1:15-2:05 6 th Period- 2:10-3:00 7 th Period- 3:05-3:55 TX History Team Carter – 2114 Flynn – 2127 Humphries – 2136 Krus Bell Schedule
10/20/2015 Scope of Study: Texas History Course Overview: Students will study people and places of Texas from first settlers to modern times. Supplies: Spiral Notebook Map Pencils/Highlighters/Tape/Markers/ Scissors/Pencil
We have an online textbook Class access code: A00EE14B5263EF Go to Click RegisterRegister On the first screen, type the class access code above in the access code field. Follow the instructions to register.Please DO NOT use your full name as your user name. Write your user name on the blank line above exactly as you typed it. At the end of registration process, the SuccessNet login page appears. Log in by typing your user name and password. 10/20/2015
Classroom Expectations Organization Come prepared to class Complete homework assignments Study for tests/quizzes Take pride in work Perform above and beyond my expectations Incorporate critical thinking skills into daily work…we will be writing. Responsible use of technology
10/20/2015 How does the BMS tardy policy work? The 1 st tardy is a warning. The 2 nd tardy will result in a lunch detention. The 3 rd tardy will result in a morning detention The 4 th tardy and all tardies there after will result in an office referral.
10/20/2015 Discipline First offense: verbal warning Second offense: parent contact Third offense: grade level AM detention Fourth + offense: office referral
10/20/2015 Grading Students will be given assignments in class, and will be made aware of all tests, projects, and quizzes. The Interactive Notebook will be a major grade approximately every 9 weeks. During each nine week period, there will be two progress reports. In a 9 week grading period there will be a minimum of 3 major and 6 daily grades.
GT/Pre-AP Class Blogs All students in the pre-AP/GT classes will be required to respond to their teacher’s posts on the Classroom Blog. The Blog will be through the students’ Gaggle account. I will send out an once this is up and rolling. This Blog will be accessible anywhere internet is available. 10/20/2015
What is National History Day? Students choose historical topics related to a theme and conduct extensive primary and secondary research through libraries, archives, museums, oral history interviews and historic sites. After analyzing and interpreting their sources and drawing conclusions about their topics’ significance in history, students present their work in original papers, websites, exhibits, performances and documentaries. These products are entered into competitions in the spring at local, state and national levels where they are evaluated by professional historians and educators. More details about due dates to come. National History Day Theme: Turning Points in History Required for all GT/Pre-AP History Classes
10/20/2015 Pre-AP/Honors Requirements A student must maintain at least a “C” average (75) to remain in a Pre-AP/Honors course. Students with averages below 80 at the six week point of the grading cycle will receive a warning letter and a phone call from the teacher. Students with averages below 75 at the end of a grading cycle or semester will be removed from the Pre-AP/Honors course and placed in a regular level course.
10/20/2015 I look forward to a successful school year! Go Longhorns!!!!!!!!!