WWRP Open Science Conference and Summer School on Earth- system Modelling Gilbert Brunet WWRP/JSC Chair CAS MG meeting, 15-17 November 2011 Madrid, Spain.


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Presentation transcript:

WWRP Open Science Conference and Summer School on Earth- system Modelling Gilbert Brunet WWRP/JSC Chair CAS MG meeting, November 2011 Madrid, Spain

Rationale Over the last century, weather prediction has achieved immense progress; The prediction of severe weather events now extends in some centers to 10 days; The needs of the users have simultaneously diversified, and now routinely encompass “environmental” prediction products, such as air quality or hydrological predictions; WMO 16th Congress recognized that WWRP/THORPEX needs to participate in the establishment of an international Earth- system Prediction Research Initiative.

The first WMO/WWRP Weather and Environmental Prediction Open Science Conference Should highlight recent advances in the theory and study of Weather and Environmental Prediction science; The Conference should also provide examples of operational Environmental prediction services; One of the main objectives of the Conference is to create a roadmap for the legacy of THORPEX through Earth System Prediction; One of the main objective of the Conference is the development of a new generation of interdisciplinary research scientists who can contribute to new and advanced earth system prediction models.

The first WMO/WWRP Weather and Environmental Prediction Open Science Conference The Conference should include the following science and application topics: – Data Assimilation and Observations; – Predictability, Dynamical/Physical/Chemistry Processes; – Coupling of sub-systems; – Ensemble forecasting techniques; – Parameterizations and the “grey” zone project; – Seamless Prediction of the Earth system: from nowcasting to medium-range to seasonal forecasts; – High-impact weather and climate events; Applications – Societal and economic applications of environmental prediction, such as (but not limited to) energy, agriculture, air and water quality and quantity, health, tourism, transport, insurance, and urban environments/megacities

Venue of the Conference There are several conditions for the venue of the Conference. The ideal venue would offer professional conference technical services, such as are available in a Conference or Congress Centre, with exhibition floor space and capacity for up to 1500 participants. It should be easily accessible from any country (international airport access) and for all participants, and be served by public transit systems, with a range of hotels for participants with varying budgets.

Dates, Duration and Organization The Conference should be held in summer of 2013, but the exact dates are not determined yet. The duration would be 5 days, from Monday to Friday; An International Conference Steering Committee (ICSC) (the composition of which is to be finalized) would oversee the planning and running of the Conference; A Scientific Program Committee (SPC) would oversee the development of the science program; A Local Organizing Committee (LOC) will take care of local matters.

Dates, Duration and Organization The SPC would include the following member, and be co-chaired by the chairs of WWRP/JSC and THORPEX ICSC: – Chairs of WWRP/JSC and THORPEX ICSC ; – Chairs of the WWRP and THORPEX Working Group, including WWRP/WGNE Joint Working Group on Forecast Verification Research; – Other senior scientists as needed; – Senior scientists from other global research programs; – The LOC will be established by the host country and be responsible for all logistical arrangements to host the Conference. It is expected that sponsorships will be pursued actively by both the LOC and the ICSC, such that final registration fees can be made as low as possible; – Chairs of the SPC, LOC, and Sponsorship committee would be ex-officio members of the ICSC.

Time table October 2011Prepare the concept document November 2011Distribute the concept document to WWRP/JSC, THORPEX ICSC, and OPAG EPAC/JSC members December 2011Choose venue and set up the ICSC, SPC and LOC January 2012Initiate sponsorships calls ……. 11 months priorStart abstract submission and registration 6 months priorEnd abstract submission 4 months priorEnd registration Early summer 2013Summer School in Earth System Prediction Late Summer 2013Conference

Funding The host country will be expected to carry the bulk of the expenses related to the conference venue and local organization. The Conference will integrate the THORPEX symposium and therefore some funding support will be available from the THORPEX Trust fund, mainly to support early career scientists and student to participate. Support will also be seeked from international research and funding organizations, including ICSU and its relevant structures and partners.

Thank you! Merci!