J E T E N Journal of European Teacher Education Network
J E T E N: Aims and scope JETEN – Journal of European Teacher Education Network provides an international platform for the publication of research on teacher education, especially on teaching and learning of student teachers. It offers a means of communication of timely research and emerging topics, whilst also providing a forum for debate between researchers and teacher educators. The articles may represent various theoretical and methodological approaches from different cultures, which focus on the pedagogical, social and political contexts of teacher education. It includes practically oriented reflections on the pedagogy of teacher education.
J E T E N: Peer review policy All research articles in the JETEN undergo peer review, based on refereeing by at least two or three anonymous referees The publication of articles in ETEN Proceedings precede the publication of articles in the JETEN The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern the significance of the contribution to the area of teaching and learning in the context of teacher education
J E T E N: Editorial board Editors-in-chief Kristiina Kumpulainen, PhD, Professor, University of Helsinki Auli Toom, PhD, Adjunct Professor, University of Helsinki Associate editors Professor José Portela, IPVC, Portugal Professor George Bieger, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA Henning Kopart, HSEM, Denmark Editorial advisory board TIG Leaders in the European Teacher Education Network
J E T E N: Guidelines for authors The aims and scope of the journal General criteria related to the structure and characteristics of scientific research – Objectives – Theoretical framework – Methods and data – Results – Discussion Specific criteria – How well does the article suit the journal? – The relevance of the manuscript, its interest to teacher educators and scholars of teacher education, and its contribution to knowledge in the field – The quality of arguments, the soundness of methodology and reasoning, the quality of data, and the validity of analysis – Conciseness and comprehensiveness: would the manuscript benefit from shortening; have any relevant points not been considered?
E T E N Conference Proceedings 2012: Timetable Conference presenters send their papers to the TIG leaders by May 30, 2012 TIG leaders go through the papers TIG leaders send appropriate papers to the editors by June 15, 2012 Publication of ETEN 2012 Conference Proceedings (September 2012) on ETEN website
J E T E N vol. 8: Timetable TIG leaders choose 2(-3) proceedings articles by following the scope and the general evaluation criteria of JETEN and send them to by The editors send the articles to two referees The referees are asked to send their comments and suggestions by The authors get their referee comments and return their revised articles by JETEN will be published by Referees are (still and continuously) needed
J E T E N: Contact information Editor-in-chief Kristiina Kumpulainen Editor-in-chief Auli Toom European Teacher Education Network