PLANNING A CHAPTER CALENDAR By Seth Ogoe Ayim Chapter President BYU-MS Ghana Chapter BYU Management Society Annual Leadership Conference October 4, 2013 Provo, Utah
OVERVIEW Definition of a calendar Importance of planning a chapter calendar Features of a planned chapter calendar How to plan a chapter calendar The Ghanaian Experience Use chapter website Achievement
What Is a Calendar? A timetable of daily, weekly, monthly, yearly activities
Why Must We Plan a Chapter Calendar ? “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” To ensure that the activities for the year are carried out as planned To anticipate unforeseen problems that may occur in the year To ensure maximum participation of stakeholders and target group To ensure the moral and ethical needs of the target group is met
How to Plan an Effective Calendar Identify the needs of the people State your objectives for the year Plan your topics Look for resource persons Give assignments to chapter leaders Post event on chapter’s website
The Ghanaian Experience Talk About Career Fair The Collaboration for the Summit Career Clinics Career Seminar–with BYU Alumni–an MPA graduate LECTURE Series–an Evening with the Deputy Director of Inspection Unit, Bank of Ghana
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