1-1 Welcome
1-3 History of computers
1-4 History of computers
1-5 Platforms: Mainframe and PCs Platforms
1-6 Platforms: Mainframe and PCs Platforms Mainframe device
1-7 Platforms: Mainframe and PCs Operating systems Desktop operating systems Desktop programming languages Desktop development environments
1-8 Platforms: Mainframe and PCs Applications Business
1-9 Platforms: Client-Servers and Web-Services Platforms
1-10 Platforms: Client-Servers and Web-Services Networking, telecommunications, and the Internet Platforms
1-11 Platforms: Client-Servers and Web-Services Platforms Internet applications Internet tools (browsers) Web-based application languages Web-based development environment
1-12 Platforms: Client-Servers and Web- Services Applications e-Business
1-13 Platforms: Mobile Platforms
1-15 Platforms: Mobile Platforms Mobile operating systems Mobile language/development environment Mobile devices
1-16 Platforms: Mobile Applications m-Business
1-17 Platforms: Mobile Platforms
1-18 Applications: UoS m-Business e-BusinessBusiness
1-19 Platforms: Cloud Platforms
1-20 Platforms: Cloud Platforms Cloud operating systems
1-21 Platforms: Cloud Applications
1-22 Platforms: Surface Platforms
1-23 Platforms: Surface Platforms Surface operating systems
1-24 Platforms: Surface Applications
1-25 Applications Businesse-Business m-Business Cloud-based - Business Surface-based Business
1-26 Operating System Basic Functions
1-27 Popular Operating Systems Windows –GUI, multitasking, networking, multimedia –Microsoft’s operating system NT, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7 –Different versions manage servers Windows Server 2008 –Based on Vista –Release 2 to correct performance and security issues
1-28 Popular Operating Systems Unix –AT&T –Multitasking, multi-user, network-managing –Portable across computer sizes Linux –Low-cost, powerful, reliable –Similar to Unix-like –Open-source –Flexible –Multiple machines
1-29 Programming Languages
1-30 Programming Languages
1-31 DOS
1-32 What You See Is What You Get: WYSIG
1-33 Advanced programming languages
1-34 Advanced programming languages
1-35 Integrated Development Environments
1-40 Microsoft Visual Basic.Net Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Visual basic.NET and the IDE