3 Way Conference Siata ah chong My Goal Is to try and help people when they stuck.
Achievement Reading R.A – 11.0 asTTle: 3A Writing asTTle: 2A Maths asTTle: 3A Ikan/Gloss: 6 7
Writing I can write nice if I go slow but I cant. My goal is… To make shore I know what to do for writing. I have to try and get to higher level like my maths and reading.
Reading I can read in class I sometimes read at home and I don’t read a lots at home. My goal is to read a lot at home and at school. I need to move up to higher level.
Mathematics I can ….do new fast ways to get my answer I love to do math everyday if I get to. I love to do time table. My goal is… to work hard and try to get up to higher level. I need to work fast to catch up with my group.
My learning photo
P.E P.e is so cool I love to play