Indonesian Timetabling Conference Introducing Timetabling and Train Control where there a Multiple Operators 31 May 2011
2 Introduction Overview Paul Jerman – Overview of the last 30 years o Involved in rail since 1978 o Train control management o Project management o The ARTC experience o Expansion of services in the outside world
3 Australian Rail Overview, Outside looking in – The Australian Rail experience overview o ARTC (Federal) o Vic(3 below rail operations) o NSW(3 below rail operations) o QR(2 below rail operations) o SA(3 below rail operations) o WA(below rail operations)
4 Australian Rail All states now have a ‘below rail operation and provide equitable access to above rail operators and share access at interfaces to create a seamless operation.
5 The Annual Timetable An Undertaking – What is the core business? o Provide fair and equitable access to the network for all rail operators o Maintaining capacity of the network o Encourage competition with Road, Air and Sea o Track Maintenance Management o Train Control Management o Revenue collection
6 The Annual Timetable The Responsibilities of the Service Provider in Brief – Rule Book Management – Systems and Standards to meet Regulatory compliance – Access rights – Train Control Management – Emergency Management
7 The Annual Timetable The Responsibilities of the User in brief – Rule Book Compliance – Systems and Standards compliance – Regulatory approval to operate – Maintaining the provided train path – Emergency Management
8 The Annual Timetable The Phases of the Timetable in Brief – Long Term Plan o 12 months to 2 weeks prior to implementation o Forms the basis of network capacity with guaranteed paths – Short Term Plan o 2 weeks to 24 hours prior to implementation o Deals with possessions, last minute changes and possessions – Current Operations o 24 hours to implementation o Runs the plan (train control)
9 The Annual Timetable The Types of Paths – Premium o Highest flag fall and fee o Path is guaranteed to be available o Train will be prioritised o Used for Passenger and priority freight services – Regular o Lesser Flag fall and fee o Path is guaranteed to be available o Will be prioritised provided does not impact on Premium path o Used for low speed freight operations – Ad-Hoc o Lowest of all fees o Path is not Guaranteed to be available o All other service will be prioritised o Normally put on during the short term phase of the time table
10 The Annual Timetable Preliminary meetings and information exchange User requirements Must be Solvent Must have regulatory approval to operate as a railway Must have the necessary equipment required to operate on the railway Must have roadworthy rolling stock to meet the network requirements Must have the capacity to meet the schedules being requested
11 The Annual Timetable Preliminary meetings and information exchange Provider requirements Must be able to provide path length availability Must have network capacity Must of systems that detail corridor specifics such as axle loads and allowable speeds Must provide track and network characteristics Must be able to provide indicative costs (Flag fall plus Gross Tonne per Kilometre)
12 The Annual Timetable The Access Process – Preliminary Meeting and exchange of information – Submission for Access to the Network – Access Proposal – Negotiations to complete access agreement – Dispute procedures
13 The Annual Timetable Preparing the Access Proposal Key Points Train timetable should only be modified once or twice a year The capacity of the network must continuously be monitored Timetabling systems to assist in the modelling of the system and development of the plan must be utilised Example:Rail//Sys Management System New users can have a permanent path but will not the integrated into the timetable until the next review Impacts on other users require negotiation
14 The Annual Timetable Completing the Access Agreement – The rail operator will operate trains in line with the agreement and the conditions of the service provider – The service provider will ensure that the train operates to the train path provided with fair and equitable access – Running the train is detailed in Managing the Timetable (Current Operations)
15 The Annual Timetable Cyclic Maintenance – Reliant on the type of rail operations affected will determine the level of planning for disruption – Major cyclic maintenance that results in network shutdown should be planned as part of the timetable review and included into the train plan – Impact on rail operators requires to be well negotiated to get ‘best result’ for all
16 The Annual Timetable Regular and Emergency Maintenance – Part of the Short Term Train Plan development – Impacts still require negotiation with rail operators to allow timetable changes – Should be undertaken during lower peak periods where practicable reliant on urgency
17 The Annual Timetable Other Challenges – 3 rd party access requirements o New private sidings o Utilities o Interfacing service providers o Network change management
18 The Annual Timetable Questions
19 Current Operations Delivery of the Timetable
20 Current Operations Structure – Train control management requires a customer Current Operation liaison that is able to negotiate with train operators regarding train priorities and changes to the train plan. – That person is the person in charge of the delivery of the timetable, such as the train control shift manager. – Current operations is the ‘Cash Register’ of the below rail operations
21 Current Operations Conflicts – The manager allocated will resolve train schedule conflicts should they be encountered during the delivery of the train plan – Changes must be negotiated and relayed to the users to ensure that they are able to make required changes to their train operations – Decisions on changes to the schedule are made in line with the train running matrix which forms part of the access agreement regime.
22 Current Operations Train Prioritising – Objective of the train control provider is: o If a train enters the network early, to ensure the train exits on time o If a train exits the network on time, it is to exit the network on time o If a train enters the network late, it is classed as ‘unhealthy’ and will be operated ensuring it does not impact with on time services, however endeavours must be made for on time exit.
23 Current Operations o If a train loses time en-route resultant from the rail operator it is classed as ‘unhealthy’ and will be operated ensuring it does not impact with on time services, however endeavours must be made for on time exit. o If a train loses time resultant from Network issues, it is considered to be healthy and endeavours must be made for on time exit. o Whilst the train timetable must be maintained en-route, it may be manipulated provided it can achieve on time exit
24 Current Operations Monitoring and Reporting – Customer meeting structure – Key Performance Indicators to be developed on: o On time running o Out of course running for both provider and user o Late entry and on-time exit o On-time entry and late exit o Train performance overall And measured against the overall capabilities of the train plan
25 Current Operations Penalty Systems – Public expectations, establishing cause and ‘passing it on’ – Impacts on a ‘Below Rail Operation’ – Not the norm where there are high level of freight operations – Establishing processes as part of the Access Agreement negotiations
26 Current Operations Accidents and Insurance – Rail operators must have adequate insurance that ensures that all costs associated with an incident can be recovered – Accident investigation is performed by both the provider and the user of the network – The user of the network is responsible for clearing the network to allow repairs to the right of way – The provider of the network is responsible for restoring the right of way
27 Current Operations – The two parties must have agreed ‘Incident Response 'plans to deal with such incidents – Resultant investigation outcomes will determine cause and responsibility of costs. It is not uncommon to have the user on site searching for track faults, the provider of the network searching for wagon faults!!!!
28 Current Operations Managing Train Breakdowns – Rail operators are responsible for making arrangements to clear the network should a train become disabled – There is requirement for prompt recovery, and it is not uncommon for the user, and the rail operator to negotiate with an alternative rail operator to render assistance – The provider is responsible for make necessary network changes to recover the normal operations
29 Current Operations Managing Access to the Network – A rail operator must not be allowed network access unless o There is agreement to operate o That the provider has the required train details within the reporting systems o That the train is in position and will operate unhindered o That the provider is able to allow the train to effectively operate to its destination o That the train run can be captured in the revenue recording systems
30 Revenue Collection Revenue collection systems are used to capture all revenue rail services that operate over the network RAMS is a common system used in Australia by most rail operators and has a multitude of capabilities The selected system requires to allow the above rail users to enter their train details remotely and this should not be the task of the provider Train running is progressively entered into the reporting system by the train controller The system also captures train delays and forms part of the Reporting processes
31 Current Operations Details of the train run is then collated by the system and transferred to the respective revenue systems for invoicing to the rail operator Fees work on a flag fall and gross tonne per kilometre rate.
32 Other Challenges Who actually runs the network, the provider or the rail operator?? When a train is on the network, it is meant to be moving Trains should enter and exit promptly Usage of Provider operated sidings (demurrage)
33 The Annual Timetable Questions