DCS Plans and Pending Activities for 2013/14 Shutdown Muons in general Replacement/upgrade of DCS computers OS migration to Win-7, Win-2008 or SL6 PVSS.


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Presentation transcript:

DCS Plans and Pending Activities for 2013/14 Shutdown Muons in general Replacement/upgrade of DCS computers OS migration to Win-7, Win-2008 or SL6 PVSS Upgrade to successor product Win-CC Open Architecture „PVSS“ 3.11 Upgrade of JCOP Framework CanBus Interface upgrade/replacement: MDT, TGC, (RPC L1) Currently used Kvaser PCI cards are no longer compatible with new generation of computers Replace Kvaser interfaces by USB Systec box. Change in granularity will imply some rearrangements of buses versus computers and PVSS projects MDT: Use OPC UA for Systec control (work in progress by Henk with central DCS) TGC: Revision of the tgc custom driver required, alternatively evaluate possibilty to migrate to OPC UA as well... CAEN mainframe and OPC server upgrade: mainly MDT, TGC Currently suffer from bottleneck in data transfer from mainframe to DCS, limits STANDBY to READY transition, limits more advanced setting handling etc.

DCS Plans and Pending Activities for 2013/14 Shutdown Muons in general CAEN mainframe and OPC server upgrade: mainly MDT, TGC Currently suffer from bottleneck in data transfer from mainframe to DCS, limits STANDBY to READY transition, limits more advanced setting handling etc. Evaluate new mainframe generation/new OPC server in 2012 TS-4 or just after end of data taking  decide on a mainframe replacement Revision and optimization of OPC architecture/groups/update rates Unification and Development of further common tools Extend common look andf feel of shifter panels ? Merge/unify infrastructure monitoring ? (gas, CAEN hardware, 48V,...) Revision of DCS operations layer in view of post-LS1 ACR shift organization (maybe no longer have sub-det shifters...) ? Documentation Revision and Completion/Update of Alarm Help (RPC, TGC, MDT + CSC) (Shifter) Procedures Should commit before start of LS1 in what direction we want to go and agree on unifications, commit manpower from all sub-detectors for this !

DCS Plans and Pending Activities for 2013/14 Shutdown DSS, Infrastructure Re-do MDT Big Wheel rack electrical distribution + Monitoring 48V glitches for chambers connected to generators in US15 rack Y0905S2 DCS Control for 48V service generators RPC + TGC ? Redo 48V distribution for MDT generators in a more balanced scheme (large differences between A/B channels etc) Implement a reliable protection of CAEN boards against overheating in case of UX15 rack turbine failure – hardware interlock, DSS,.... Monitoring of TGC mini-rack fan trays TGC Some pending change request for ELMB features from the TGC frontend community. Commission Charge Monitoring? Revise handling of DCS conditions data handling, incl. Use of TGC custom DB and DCS DQ flag calculation More robust recovery from a power cut Solve issue of crash og DCS computers if detector LV is off DCS control and monitoring for CGI and HSC crates FSM panels !!

DCS Plans and Pending Activities for 2013/14 Shutdown MDT Reimplementation of endcap alignment controls, merge current LWDAQ linux server and PVSS controls Recommission Freiburg gas monitoring, eliminate dependence on C# and problems with crashing oscilloscope driver Barrel alignment: Replace current frontend computers Migrate to a OS other than Win-XP Find a solution for the Framegrabbers JTAG JTAG init from configuration stored on-board the ELMB, parallel init of nodes Regular check of configuration/register content of CSM and mezzanines to detect and act on errors due to SEU etc Handling of multiple configurations Extension of book keeping/archiving of init status and results Revisit JTAG init coupling to DAQ run state transitions Power System Storing and loading of configurations (recipes, config database) Implement current monitoring taking into account luminosity, dynamic trip limits,...

DCS Plans and Pending Activities for 2013/14 Shutdown MDT -- Remarks Heavy use and modifications of the MDT configuration database for changes in CanBus scheme etc.  tools required for DCS experts to be able to view/check/visualize/(update) DB content by the start of LS1: MDT Config GUI ? Extended storing of recipes, power system configurations,.... Will require most likely extensions on the database side – manpower ? MDT architecture relies on certain assumptions Need to to know well in advance about additional equipment to add (small chambers, additional crates...) CAEN crates are not mixed between sub-detectors. Will this change ? Manpower Most problematic: Experienced developers, part of the pending issues are rather technical ! TGC: critical, especially for tgc driver and ELMB work (current experts Enrique/Revital have no experience here) MDT: CanBus stuff, OPC UA, OS and computer upgrade: ~ok(Robegrt,Henk,Steph) MDT: Power System: NTUA ?? ((new) students ? Experienced expert ?)) MDT Alignment: Endcap ok (Brandeis), Barrel: problematic