Presenting at the Undergraduate Research Conference Victoria Olsen Expository Writing Program New York University April 2013
Agenda Delivering Your Talk Presenting Experimental Research Presenting a Humanities Paper Poster, with Daniela Cassataro, ‘13 Psychology Talk, with Sharyu Hanmantgad, ‘12 Questions
Delivery Control body language Present a professional appearance Make eye contact Speak clearly
Cognitive Overload
Overview of Experimental Talk Source:
Negative Reality Mental Contrasting Mental Contrasting (Model)Mental Contrasting (Model) Positive Future Expectations are Activated Strong Goal Commitment Weak Goal Commitment Oettingen (2000). Social Cognition, 18, YES NO
Method Include sample questions from Procedure: How likely do you believe it is that your feared outcome will occur? not at all likelyvery likely 12345
Time Table (Mental Contrasting) Measure of SBP Time Table (Mental Contrasting)Time Table (Mental Contrasting) Start of the Experiment Positive Future Positive Future 1. Aspect 3. Aspect Negative Reality 2. Aspect Negative Reality 4. Aspect
Results: Charts
Results: Tables
Overview of Humanities Paper courtesy of Andrea McKenzie What do the covers of L.M. Montgomery’s Emily books show us about the status of women writers across cultures and times? Visual analysis and literary quotations as evidence 1-2 major points in conclusion
Discussion/Conclusion Restate your most important finding Make it relevant to your audience: link it to real life Thank your audience!
Acknowledgments Special thanks to Natalie Friedman, Daniela Cassataro, Sharyu Hanmantgad, SoYon Rim, and Professors Andrea McKenzie and Gabriele Oettingen.
Sources Rice University’s ComCoach site Presentation Zen es.html Slideshare point-presentation
Questions? Contact: Victoria Olsen at And remember, this can be fun! Good luck!
URC Poster Presentations