StartEdu Pitch Template: 12 mins Your goal: Concisely answer the big picture who, why, when, what & how questions of a judge/investor such that they can understand what sets you and your business apart from the competition. How: Tell in a “story format” to keep judges’ attention, and to intrigue and surprise them with your business acumen. ASSUME that the judges will have scanned your nomination package submission in advance, along with those of all other contestants. Judges also will refer to your nomination package and financial submission during deliberations. 1
Pitch Format 12 min total -- Present for up to 8 mins + 4 mins Q&A We will NOT provide timer warnings – you need to have a clock on screen while you pitch. If you go over, we will have to cut you off, as the competition pitches are scheduled tightly. General questions to answer (in no particular order): 1.What is the market opportunity – the problem (and its size) you are trying to address? Do you understand how to address mass education markets? 2.What is your product/service offering and how is it innovative/breakthrough? 3.How is a customer using your product today? Why is that better than competitive alternatives? 4.Is your team capable of building a scaled business? Why are you special? 5.What progress have you made to date? 6.What are a few key learnings, either from your own business or from studying others? 7.What is the status of raising capital? What do you need for the next ~18 months? 8.What is your business model and how does it show up in your 3-year financials? 9.What are your high level goals for the next ~18 months? What “investible milestones” will you achieve, and when? In a total of only 9-12 slides (cover plus 1 per topic) 2
General Tips Use large photos as much as possible because they are interesting to the audience and convey some emotion Use VERY LITTLE text on your slides because you want judges listening to you, not reading your slides. Point size should be at least 22 points, 24 preferred, 18 point bold in only limited cases. If you need more text to practice, create 2 versions of your pitch practice initially with the one with more text, and then when you’re good at it, switch to the more visual version. Remember you are telling a story humor and personal anecdotes make better stories. Judges are looking to understand you and your abilities as much as your plan and the market. You are “soft selling” to get people intrigued you are explaining more than selling – you want entice judges to spend more time with your application and financials after watching your pitch Build a time budge per slide. For example, 6 slides x 2 min + 3 slides x 1 min = 15 minutes. You cannot present beyond 15 minutes. Practice pitch at least 3 times before your final pitch Then practice at least 3 times more to make it awesome! Because you have an awesome story to tell in 15 minutes only! 3
[company logo], 4 NOTE: Be sure to read the “notes” section in the PowerPoint window under each slide to see guidance and sample script
Market Opportunity 5
Product / Service 6
Customer Story 7
Our Team 8
Traction / Milestones 9
Our Learnings 10
Business Model & Financials 11
Fundraising 12
Goals through