Kontrollierte Terminologie vs. Social Tagging Folksonomy, The Power Law & The Significance of the Least Effort by Timme Bisgaard Munk und Kristian M ønk
Die Autoren Timme Bisgaard Munk Kristian M ønk
Folksonomies Quelle: Peters, Isabella; Stock, Wolfgang G.: Folksonomies Beispiel: Del.icio.usBeispiel: Flickr
Häufigkeitsverteilung der Tags Quelle: T. B. Munk and K. Mørk: Folksonom, The Power Law & The Significance of the Least Effort
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Und das?
Friedrich Nietzsche To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.
The traditional methods are efficient tools for finding what you are looking for, while folksonomies are efficient tools for looking what to look for.
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