Pico-solar lights: Exposure, uptake and impact Elly White, M&E Coordinator.


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Presentation transcript:

Pico-solar lights: Exposure, uptake and impact Elly White, M&E Coordinator

SolarAid and SunnyMoney Goal: to eradicate the kerosene lantern from Africa by SunnyMoney sells lights in rural Africa builds a market SolarAid global partnerships fundraising policy, research and advocacy

The model

Research at SolarAid Evidencing the impact of solar lights Understanding our customers and the market Improving our model

The impact Average annual savings per household of US$70 (10% household income) Savings diverted to food, education and livelihoods Children study for an extra hour each night 45% of customers report improved health Households can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 300kg per year

One million lights sold An estimated impact of: 6.2 million people benefitting from safe, clean light 5.6 million of those living below the poverty line US$205 million saved by families over the lifetime of the light 1.2 billion extra study hours for children 3.4 million people noticing better health 510,000 tonnes of averted CO₂

Our customers 90% of customers live below the poverty line They spend about 15% of their income on lighting Majority of households own at least one mobile phone 60% of customers used kerosene as main source of lighting They like to talk! – 90% recommended solar lights to a friend

Three key challenges to distribution: 1. Affordability 2. Availability 3. Awareness and trust The model

Light Libraries A ‘library’ or ‘luminotheque’ of solar lights donated to schools Users pay a small rental fee Objective to increase exposure to and demand for solar lights Strongly monitored so that the effect on uptake could be evaluated

Results Control schools: uptake of 15% of school population Light Library schools: uptake of 35% 70% of customers at Light Library schools said the Library affected their decision to purchase More people invested in a $30 mid-entry level light than the $10 basic-entry level light. Exposure to solar lights increased uptake from low-income risk-averse families.

Market research combined with social impact evaluation enables us to learn how best to reach more people with off-grid solutions and understand the multi-dimensional benefits of energy access. Learning how program delivery can become more efficient. Evidencing educational impact to Ministries of Education. Proving economic & environmental advantage. Understanding purchasing decisions and how to accelerate demand for new energy technologies. Research matters

Elly White M&E Coordinator SolarAid