Department of Human Settlements M & E Report Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements 26 May 2010
2 Presentation outline Background and purpose Presentation of Findings Way forward
3 Background SA Constitution lists 9 basic values and principles that should govern public administration PS M & E System looks at the extent to which public service departments comply with these principles
4 Rating System 4 Score descriptionScore% Excellent performance on all the standards4,25 – 5,0081% - 100% Good performance in most of the standards3,25 – 4,0061% - 80% Adequate performance in several of the standards 2,25 – 3,0041% - 60% Poor performance against most of the standards1,25 – 2,0021% - 40% No performance against all the standards0,25 - 1,005% - 20%
5 Results Principle 2001/ /10 Total Score % % Professional Ethics120%3,7575% Efficiency, Economy and Effectiveness480%3,5070% Development-Oriented Public Administration 480%4,00100% Impartiality and FairnessN/A Public Participation in Policy-making480%4,0080%
6 Results Accountability360%4,5090% Transparency240%5,00100% Good Human Resource Management and Career Development 480%3,0060% Representivity360%2,0040% Total out of 45 for 2001/02 and out of 39 for 2009/ Average ÷ 9 for 2001/02 and average ÷ 8 for 2009/ %3,876%
7 Implementation of the 2001/02 recommendations Principle Total% Recommendatio ns 01/ % Recommendatio ns implemented 09/ % Recommendatio ns not implemented %
8 New recommendations Principle Total Recommendations % of total 10%20%0% 10%0% 20%40%100%
9 Principle 1: Professional Ethics Score 2001/02: 20% (No performance against all the standards) Score 2009/10: 75% (Good performance in most of the standards) It takes the Department an average of 36 working days to finalise a case of misconduct. This is within the prescribed working days (Area of good practice). Training and capacity building provided by the department does cover the process of handling cases of misconduct, from allegation to hearing (Area of good practice). Quarterly reports are submitted to management on the status of cases of misconduct. However, there was no evidence of management response/actions emanating from the reports (Area of improvement).
10 Principle 2: Efficiency, Economy and Effectiveness Score 2001/02 : 80% (Excellent performance on all the standards) Score 2009/10: 70% (Adequate performance in several of the standards) The Department spent 95,6% of the budget, 4.4% under expenditure in the 2007/08 financial year (Area for improvement). 254 out of 261 (97%) of PIs were measurable in terms of either quantity or time dimensions (Area of good practice). The Department was able to achieve 200 (or 76%) of its 262 planned outputs (Area for improvement).
11 Principle 3: Development-Oriented Public Administration Score 2001/02 : 80% (Excellent Performance on all the standards) Score 2009/10: 100% (Excellent performance on all the standards) The National Housing Code provides for the participation of beneficiaries in the design and implementation of housing projects (Area of good practice). The Multi-Year Housing Development Plan (MHDP) guides Provincial Housing Departments to fulfil the legal requirement of preparing a MHDP. The MHDP guide outlines all the issues that must be addressed in the provincial MHDP (Area of good practice). The National Housing Code provides for the development of Housing Chapters of IDPs to ensure that housing needs assessment, as well as identification, surveying and prioritisation of informal settlements, are included in each IDP(Area of good practice). The Department does have a system in place to identify lessons learnt for application to future projects (Area of good practice).
12 Principle 4: Impartiality and Fairness Score 2001/02 : 40% (Development needed in most of the standards) Score 2009/10: N/A Because of the nature of the functions performed by the Department (i.e. the Department does not provide services directly to citizens/public), it was concluded that this principle is not applicable to the department.
13 Principle 5: Public Participation in Policy-making Score 2001/02 : 80% (Excellent performance on all the standards) Score 2009/10: 80% (Excellent performance on all the standards) The Department does not have an approved policy/ guideline on public participation in policy-making (Area for improvement). The Department does have a system in place for soliciting public inputs (Area of good practice). Evidence was provided that the Department acknowledges and considers inputs received from the public (Area of good practice).
14 Principle 6: Accountability Score 2001/02 : 60% (Adequate performance in several of the standards) Score 2009/10: 90% (Excellent performance on all the standards) The Auditor-General issued the Department with an unqualified audit opinion for the 2007/08 financial year. However, the A-G highlighted concerns regarding the governance of the Department, which included the unavailability of information and senior managers (Area for improvement). The Department has a formal performance management system for all departmental programmes in operation (Area of good practice). The Department conducted a risk assessment exercise during the 2008/09 financial year during which all activities and/or applications were assessed. The Department does have a Fraud Prevention Plan in place which complies with twelve (85%) of the 13 requirements set by the PSC’s Transversal M&E System (Area of good practice). The Department has sufficient staff members to investigate cases of fraud and the strategies of the Fraud Prevention Plan have been implemented (Area of good practice).
15 Principle 7: Transparency Score 2001/02: 40% (Poor performance against most of the standards) Score 2009/10: 100% (Excellent performance on all the standards) The content of the Annual Report covers in sufficient detail 90% of the areas prescribed by National Treasury and the Department of Public Service and Administration (Area of good practice). Performance against pre-determined objectives is clearly communicated. The Department does have capacity to deal with requests for access to information since there are two appointed Deputy Information Officers with duly delegated authority (Area of good practice). There is a manual on functions of and index of records held by the Department that complies with the requirements of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) (Area of good practice).
16 Principle 8: Good Human Resource Management and Career Development Score 2001/02 : 80% (Excellent performance on all the standards) Score 2009/10: 60% (Adequate performance against several of the standards ) A recruitment policy is in place. However, it does not address critical issues such as nepotism or patronage in the decision-making process (Area for improvement). It takes the Department an average of 274 days (39 weeks) to fill a vacant post. This is far beyond the standard of 12 weeks (90 days) set by the PSC’s Transversal M&E System (Area for improvement). Management reporting on recruitment is done during the Department’s Executive Committee meetings and there is evidence of management’s response (Area of good practice). The Department has a Workplace Skills Plan for the 2008/09 and 2009/10 financial years (Area of good practice). These plans are based on a thorough skills needs analysis (Area of good practice). The impact of such activities on service delivery was never assessed (Area for improvement).
17 Principle 9: Representivity Score 2001/02 : 60% (Adequate performance in several of the standards) Score 2009/10: 40% (Poor performance against most of the standards) The Department has an Employment Equity Policy which complies with 36% of the requirements set in section 1 of the EEA. The EE Plan complies with 80% of the requirements set in section 20 of the Employment Equity Act, 1998, (Act No 55 of 1998) (Area for improvement). No documentary proof was submitted to the effect that management reporting on representivity is done. The department has implemented 64% of the diversity measures suggested by the PSC’s M&E system (Area for improvement). Reprensentivity targetActual (2007/08) 75% senior management82% 50% Women at SMS39% 2% people with disabilities2.7%
18 Way forward The Department will be expected to implement recommendations and the PSC does follow up on implementation of recommendations. The report forms part of consolidated reports that are submitted to Parliament.