© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 1 Vision and Strategy Workshop Building a High Performance Team to create the vision
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 2 Presentation in pairs Take 5 minutes to find out about Age, background, previous jobs… Family, sports, hobbies…. Find out something about your “buddy” that the group would never have known before Present back to the group your “buddy”
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 3 Rules for living in a team A collection of people cannot be a team without rules and values that are always respected The rules will not be respected if they are not willingly accepted The rules will not be willingly accepted unless they align to an overriding common vision
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 4 What are the rules for our group ? Brainstorm the rules that we live by
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 5 Rules for Brainstorming Do not criticise another’s ideas All ideas are welcome No sacred cows Create a large number of ideas at first Critique the ideas after all the thoughts are out on the table – or on the flip chart.
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 6 Principles of performance A person performs better provided they are doing something which they like to do A team is balanced if it consists of people who have talents which complement each other
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 7 The development of a team Performance Level Cultural development High performing team A real team Potential team Working group False dawn
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 8 Belbin’s theories Belbin developed some useful theories about teams : 1.People naturally behave in certain ways, and a team needs to have a balance of these different types of behaviour 2.Members of a team can exhibit several of these types of behaviour, but predominantly behave in a certain way. 3.Each type of behaviour has both a positive effect and a negative effect. Nobody is perfect, but a team can be It is better to have a complete team, rather than a perfect one ! It is better to have a complete team, rather than a perfect one !
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 9 Nine “types” of behaviour DescriptionBehaviourHowever 1.PlantCreative, imaginative, unorthodox. Solves difficult problems Tends to ignore incidentals and be too immersed to communicate effectively. 2.Resource Investigator Extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative. Explores opportunities and networks with others. Can be over optimistic and loses interest after initial enthusiasm has waned. 3.Co- ordinator Mature, confident and natural chairperson. Clarifies goals, promotes decision-making and delegates effectively. Can be seen as manipulative and controlling. Can over delegate by off loading personal work.
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 10 Nine “types” of behaviour DescriptionBehaviourHowever 4.ShaperChallenging, dynamic, thrives under pressure. Jumps hurdles using determination and courage. Can be easily provoked and ignorant of the feelings of others 5.Monitor Evaluator Even tempered, strategic and discerning. Sees all of the options and judges accurately. Can lack drive and lack inspired leadership qualities. 6.Team Worker Co-operative, relationship focused, sensitive and diplomatic. A good listener who builds relationships and who dislikes confrontation Can be indecisive in a crisis.
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 11 Nine “types” of behaviour DescriptionBehaviourHowever 7.ImplementerDisciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient. Acts on ideas Can be inflexible and slow to see new opportunities. 8.Completer- Finisher Conscientious and anxious to get the job done. An eye for detail, good at searching out the errors. Finishes and delivers on time. Can be a worrier and reluctant to delegate. 9.SpecialistSingle-minded self starter. Dedicated and provides specialist knowledge. The rarer the supplier of knowledge, the more dedicated the specialist. Can stuck in their niche, with little interest in the world outside it and dwell on technicalities
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 12 Nine “types” of behaviour DescriptionBehaviour 1.PlantCreative, imaginative, unorthodox. Solves difficult problems 2.Resource Investigator Extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative. Explores opportunities and networks with others. 3.Co- ordinator Mature, confident and natural chairperson. Clarifies goals, promotes decision-making and delegates effectively.
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 13 Nine “types” of behaviour DescriptionBehaviour 4.ShaperChallenging, dynamic, thrives under pressure. Jumps hurdles using determination and courage. 5.Monitor Evaluator Even tempered, strategic and discerning. Sees all of the options and judges accurately. 6.Team Worker Co-operative, relationship focused, sensitive and diplomatic. A good listener who builds relationships and who dislikes confrontation
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 14 Nine “types” of behaviour DescriptionBehaviour 7.ImplementerDisciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient. Acts on ideas 8.Completer- Finisher Conscientious and anxious to get the job done. An eye for detail, good at searching out the errors. Finishes and delivers on time. 9.SpecialistSingle-minded self starter. Dedicated and provides specialist knowledge. The rarer the supplier of knowledge, the more dedicated the specialist.
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 15 Qualities of _____________________ Their role in the team _________________
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 16 Our team NameRole
© The Delos Partnership 2007 page 17 For us to become a high performing team we must