United Nations System support to AU/NEPAD Joint UN Consultation on 2007 support to AU/NEPAD Programmes Highlights of the Human Resources Development, Employment, HIV and AIDS Cluster Regional Consultation Meeting, Addis Ababa, 5 Nov. 2007
Context and background Cluster/Sub revitalisation meetings and consultations held (four) (March-July) Joint UN-AU/NEPAD Workplan (April-May) Extensive consultations Documents and Minutes Reviews and verification Dissemination of drafts Specific joint actions undertaken Background and Processes 2007
Context and background Cluster organization in 2007 Overall coordination Convener UNICEF Co-chair A U C Secretariat ECA Sub Clusters Conveners HIV and AIDS UNAIDS Employment ILO HR Dev. UNESCO Other UN Agency Members WFP, FAO, IAEA, UNIDO, WIPO, OCHA, IOM, WHO/WAC, UNFPA, UNDP, etc.. in response to UN strengthened coordination in support of AU / NEPAD
Main focus for each sub-cluster HIV and AIDSUniversal access – Brazzaville consensus, 2006 EmploymentEmployment and decent work – Addis Ababa, April 2007 Human Resources Development Second Decade of Education in Africa ( ) – Khartoum, January 2006
‘History Books Project’ based on general history of Africa and African tool kit for the African child Review the impact of emergencies on education in Africa JPO Programmers in Africa AIDSWATCH Africa Nutrition and school feeding programmes Gender justice Specific activities – an illustrative list
Africa Fit for Children Mid-term review and Call for Accelerated Action, Cairo Plus Five (29 Oct – 2 Nov, 2007) Priorities across clusters in 2007 Africa Develop- ment Forum V (for Youth) Disseminate results, Promote African Youth Charter Speak Africa, establish communities of practice
Common understanding of roles and responsibilities Consensus on AU/UN co-chaired efforts Agreement reached on Cluster and Sub-Cluster formation, structure and frequency of meetings Joint 2007 workplan Commitment and action towards a joint approach using the UN joint 10 Year Capacity Development Programme in support of AU / NEPAD Joint participation at key AU / NEPAD milestones Improved IMS, linkages, and UN coordination Summary of Results
Cluster configuration does not match AUC organisational structure Where does Health belong? Linkage with NEPAD Secretariat, RECs needs clarification UN Agency representation uneven Challenges