BOE Budget Workshop #1 March 8, 2006
Presentation Overview Revenue Summary (State Aid) Areas of Greatest Budget Increases Budget Presentations for 06/07 –Contingency Budget –Current Program Continuation –Superintendent’s Proposed Budget
Revenue Summary (State Aid) – $6,359,129* (actual) – $5,081,196 (estimated) *Due to prior year decision to receive double Building Aid payment
Revenue Summary (State Aid) YearState AidDistrict Budget $ 6,198,516$11,482, $ 5,081,196 $21,400,000
Areas of Greatest Budget Increases High School Tuition- $725,000 BOCES Special Education- $373,863 Angela’s House- $328,000
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Class Size19-24 students per class Up to 32 students per class students per class
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Teaching Staff Same as Teacher Positions Eliminated 5 Teacher Positions Eliminated
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Special Education Same as Teacher 1 Spec. Ed. Teacher 1 Teacher Assistant 1 Teacher Aide Per Inclusion Teacher 1 Teacher 1 Spec. Ed. Teacher 1 Teacher Assistant
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget BOCES High School Occupation Education Same as EliminatedSame as
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Library Program Enhanced Reading and Literacy Program in ES and MS Eliminated in Elementary School Enhanced Reading and Literacy Program in ES and MS
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Guidance Services Full program including assisting at- risk students and transition services Eliminated in Grades 5 and 6 Offered to all MS Students Grades 5-8
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Health Program Same as Eliminated in Grade 6
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Classroom Aides Same as EliminatedSame as
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Athletic Teams Same as EliminatedCombined 7th and 8th Grade
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Band and Chorus Same as EliminatedSame as
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Monitors and Greeters Same as second half of EliminatedSame as second half of 05-06
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget ClubsBefore and After School Clubs Grades 1-8 Eliminated MS Clubs including Honor Society, service orgs. and academic enrichment
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Field TripsComplete hands-on Science Exploratory Field Trip Program EliminatedLimited Field Trips
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Cultural Arts Program Same as Eliminated
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Building Cleaning Same as Every other day per building Same as
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Equipment Replacement /Repair Same as EliminatedReduced
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget SuppliesSame as EliminatedReduced
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Professional Development and Memberships Same as EliminatedReduced
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Diagnostic Testing Same as EliminatedReduced
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Transportation Same as Full transportation with substantial savings through staggered start times
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Cost of Program $21,400,000$19,700,000$20,700,000
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget Tax Rate Percent Increase $ per $ % $ per $ % $ per $ %
Budget Presentations for 06/07 Current Budget Contingent Budget Proposed Budget The average home increase at an assessed valuation of $5,000 $2,846 a year or $237 a month $1,248 a year or $104 a month $1,924 a year or $160 a month