Hvar 29-09-2006 Mobility and career of researchers in the European Research Area Kitty Fehringer European Commission, DG Research.


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Presentation transcript:

Hvar Mobility and career of researchers in the European Research Area Kitty Fehringer European Commission, DG Research

Hvar Europe needs researchers The European Research Area (1/2000) The Lisbon European Council (3/2000) The Commission together with the Member States must take the necessary steps to remove obstacles to mobility of researchers in Europe The Barcelona European Council (3/2002) Devote 3% of GDP to research by /3 coming from the private sector

Hvar Europe needs researchers Implications for political developments for human resources in S&T: Human resources are key to research excellence & performance Human resources are key to attaining European objectives Need to revert current trend that without action would lead to major shortages towards 2010, particularly in the private sector

Hvar Weakness? is not the number and quality of PhD …

Hvar …but the number of researchers

Hvar An integrated strategy for action Develop an open and competitive European labour market for researchers: Improve overall environment for researchers in Europe by enhancing mobility and removing obstacles (« Mobility Strategy ») Develop genuine European career perspectives for researchers, enhancing the EU’s attractiveness for research talent Substantial increase of EU-funding for training, mobility and career development of researchers (« Marie Curie actions »)

Hvar I. The European « Mobility Strategy » Joint effort of Commission and Member States to remove obstacles to mobile researchers and making the environment more appealing for researchers in Europe (since 2001)

Hvar I. The European « Mobility Strategy » Directive and two Recommendations aiming at the improvement of condition of admission of Third Country Researchers in Europe (adopted by Council October 2005) –Fast track procedure for researchers –Involvement of research organisations (“hosting agreement”) Structured information services and customised local assistance to mobile researchers throughout Europe: « Mobility Portal » and « ERA-MORE » (since 2003 and 2004 respectively)

Hvar The European Researcher’s Mobility Portal A Portal which offers many services such as: Organisations can advertise directly their vacancies or transfer their own data Researchers can post their CV Personalised assistance through ERA-MORE


Offers researchers and their families comprehensive and up-to-date information, tailor-made and personalised assistance in all matters relating to their professional and daily lives: entry conditions (visa requirements), work permits, job opportunities, salaries and taxation, pension rights, health care, social security, accommodation, day care and schooling, language courses, general culture of the host country, intellectual property rights, recognition of diploma etc.

Hvar Each Mobility Centre acts as a point of entry for researchers looking for practical information and guidance fulfils its information and assistance task either by direct proximity assistance or by directing the person(s) concerned to the appropriate specialised centre

Hvar Mobility Centres in Europe Launch of ERA-MORE: June 2004

Hvar Current situation All 200 Mobility Centres in 32 countries operational, complemented by regional and local contact points National work programmes in 30 countries being implemented Various animation activities at European level to enhance the coherence and added value of ERA- MORE

Hvar II. Development of genuine European career perspectives Recommendation on the « European Researchers’ Charter and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers » adopted by the Commission on 11 March Huge differences in career structures in European countries Fragmentation at local/regional/national level Protected, if not closed, non-transparent recruitment procedures Lack of career development prospects

Hvar II. Development of genuine European career perspectives « Charter » as reference point for the career management of researchers as professionals, addressing both researchers and employers/funders on minimum rights and obligations « Code of Conduct » as reference point for transparency and merit based recruitment, fair recognition of qualifications and mobility experiences Implemented by MS and other actors on a voluntary basis, these initiatives set the frame for a social dialogue between the main actors and ultimately for the creation of a genuine job market for researchers at European level

Hvar III. Reinforce investments in « People » FP7 « Marie Curie actions » Commissions proposal (April 2005) for the Seventh Framework Programme for RTD doubles budget from € 5 billion to € 10 billion per year Marie Curie Actions in « People » Programme to be reinforced substantially from €1,8 billion for 4 years to € 6,3 billion for 7 years Marie Curie Actions to focus on: a. the structuring of research training, mobility and career development, strengthen links with national systems b. reinforcing enterprises involvement c. strengthening the international dimension

Hvar Thank you for your attention. Kitty Fehringer European Commission The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Strategy and Policy Aspects As per Monday: „Universities and Researchers“ Tel. +32/2/