New Investigator’s Workshop U.S. Antarctic Program Scott Borg Head, Antarctic Sciences Section NSF/Office of Polar Programs
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop Why this workshop? To enrich the USAP by attracting new minds to Antarctic science To offer a glimpse of the research opportunities that can be found To show that, while NSF funding is very competitive, many science opportunities exist and working in the Antarctic is not as forbidding as many people think
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop For newcomers.... A word about NSF Independent Agency – since 1950 Supports basic research and education through grants and related mechanisms Vision – Enabling the nation’s future through discovery, learning, and innovation Ensures a world-class science/engineering workforce & promotes public understanding of science
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop For newcomers.... A word about NSF and OPP National Science Board Broad range of basic science Many cross-directorate opportunities Office of Polar Programs –Special responsibility as lead agency for US national investment in Antarctica –US Antarctic Program in OPP –A current emphasis is on the International Polar Year (IPY)
NSF Recent Trends: FY 02 to 05 Change FY02 to FY05 Funds Obligated (Millions of Dollars) $4,954 $5,579 Organizational Excellence FTE # of Proposals # of Competitive Awards Aver. Annual Res. Grant Size Aver. Grant Duration (years) 14% 59% 3% 19% -7% 24% - $5, $115,666 FY05FY04FY03FY02 $135,609$139,637 10,406 10,844 10,380 35,16440,07543,851 1,2391,2421,274 $184$196$268 $5,654 $292 1,279 41,722 9,757 $143,
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop Average Reviewer Ratings – FY05 Number of Proposals: 31,966 Declines, 9,792 Awards
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop Taxpayer’s Investment An average NSF research award in FY99 (about $70,000 annually) was equivalent to committing the revenues from 10.6 average- sized income tax return statements. (Based on FY99 estimates.) The average NSF research award in FY04 was about $139,000 annually – 23.9 income tax return statements.
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop NSF and People: FY 2001 Estimate Senior researchers Postdoctoral associates Other professionals Graduate students Undergraduate students K-12 students K-12 teachers 10,710 5,320 28,380 24,350 32,000 11,390 80, ,980Total
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop Key Documents FY 2007 NSF Budget Request – Grant Proposal Guide (NSF 04-23) – Science and Engineering Indicators – When in doubt – –
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop OPP/ANT Program Officers Aeronomy & Astrophysics – vacant/search underway Biology & Medicine – Roberta Marinelli Ocean & Climate Systems – Bernhard Lettau Geology & Geophysics – Tom Wagner Glaciology – Julie Palais Artists and Writers – Kim Silverman OPP-IPY coordinator – Marie Bundy See:
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop U.S. Antarctic Program o Antarctic Treaty o Research and Education – very broad range o Environmental Stewardship o Antarctic Conservation Act o International Cooperation and Collaboration o Ships, planes, labs, and specialized support o International Polar Year: Mar 07 – Mar 09
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop Los Angeles Denver Washington, D.C. Santiago McMurdo Christchurch Palmer South Pole Punta Arenas Scope of Organization
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop USAP Sites of Major Activities
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop Questions?
21-22 August 2006 U.S. Antarctic Program, New Investigators workshop Antarctic Research Budget, 1996 to 2002 In Millions of Dollars