James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Project Status for the AAS Town Hall Phil Sabelhaus JWST Program Manager January 5, 2010
Organization Mission Lead: Goddard Space Flight Center International collaboration with ESA & CSA Prime Contractor: Northrop Grumman Space Technology Instruments: ―Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) – Univ. of Arizona ―Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) – ESA ―Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) – JPL/ESA ―Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) – CSA Operations: Space Telescope Science Institute Description Deployable infrared telescope with 6.5 meter diameter segmented adjustable primary mirror Cryogenic temperature telescope and instruments for infrared performance Launch June 2014 on an ESA-supplied Ariane 5 rocket to Sun-Earth L2 5-year science mission (10-year goal) James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) JWST Science Themes End of the dark ages: First light and reionization The assembly of galaxies Birth of stars and proto-planetary systems Planetary systems and the origin of life
3 JWST Full Scale Model at the GSFC
5 JWST Compared with other Telescopes Hubble Space Telescope (HST): –2.7 x diameter, 2.7 x longer wavelength HST NICMOS: –189 x FoV, –38 x better sensitivity at K band, 8 x at H band Spitzer: –8 x Spitzer diameter –Diffraction limited at 2 microns vs. 6 microns –8 to 24 x better angular resolution –10 x lower dark current supports R ~ 1000 at high redshift Ground: –JWST and GSMT are complementary where capabilities overlap: –HST: Keck diameter ratio ~ JWST:GSMT –Background ~1,000,000 x larger on ground at 5 microns Real data: Spitzer 25 hours Simulated: JWST 3 hours
6 JWST Team and Responsibilities Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) – GSFC Structure – GSFC/ATK MIRI- JPL & ESA/European Consortium NIRSpec- ESA/Astrium NIRCam – U of Arizona/LMATC FGS/TFI – CSA/COM DEV ISIM Radiators- NGAS/Ball Optical Telescope Element (OTE) – NGAS/Ball Backplane Structure – NGAS/ATK Deployment Tower - NGAS Launch Vehicle & Adapter- ESA/Arianespace Spacecraft - NGAS MIRI Cryocooler – JPL/NGAS Instrument C&DH - GSFC Sunshield – NGAS Membrane – NGAS/SRS ISIM Electronics Compartment (IEC)- GSFC Overall Observatory - NGAS
7 JWST System Architecture Deep Space Network Space Telescope Science Institute Science & Operations Center GSFC Flight Dynamics Facility L2 Transfer Trajectory L2 Point L2 Lissajous Orbit Ka-Band Science Link (Selectable 7, 14, 28 Mbps) S-Band Tlm Link (Selectable Kbps) S-Band Cmd (Selectable 0.25, 2 and 16 Kbps) S-Band Ranging Ariane 5 Upper Stage Injects JWST Into Direct Transfer Trajectory Ariane 5 Launch System NASA Integrated Services Network Ariane PPF S5 Communications Services for Launch (TDRS, ESA) S-Band Tlm Link ( 2Kbps) S-Band Cmd Link (0.25 Kbps) S-Band Ranging Observatory – Upper Stage Separation S-Band Tlm Link ( 2Kbps) Observatory Deployments - Solar Array - High Gain/ Medium Antennas - Sunshield - Optical Telescope Element Communications Coverage Provided For all Critical Events
8 Ariane 5 Launch Vehicle JWST is designed for launch on an Ariane V launch vehicle with a 5 m diameter fairing Launch from Kourou Launch Center (French Guiana) with direct transfer to L2 point Payload launched at ambient temperature with on orbit cooling to 50 K via passive thermal radiators JWST payload: 6330 kg Ariane 5 ECA French Guiana
JWST Master Schedule
10 General: All observatory components have successfully completed their preliminary design reviews ISIM CDR held in March All science instruments have successfully completed their critical design reviews Optical Telescope Element (OTE) CDR held last October Sunshield CDR scheduled for January 2010 Launch Readiness Date is June 2014 and the Mission Critical Design Review is in April 2010 Observatory: Completed the spacecraft bus PDR Completed the JWST full scale core test Completed the 1/3 Scale Sunshield testing Optical Telescope Element: Backplane: Bonding of flight and pathfinder OTE Primary Mirror Backplane Support Structures (PMBSS) continues Center section of the pathfinder completed bonding in December Completed the Flight Backplane CDR Project Status
11 Full Scale Core Test Hardware Core Thermal Test Focus Area Optical Telescope Element Sun Shield Spacecraft Bus Decagon Test Membrane SS Support Frame Top Weldment Base Weldment Bus Simulator IEC PTR Radiators Lift Sling Backplane Support Frame (BSF) Membrane Tensioning System Center Backplane Stray Light Bib Diagonal Shields Deep Space Edge Radiator (DSER) Panels Cable Radiator Counterbalanc e Weights FLIGHT Observatory CORE TEST thermal facsimile
Core Test Article Testing is Complete Core Test integration complete –OTE/SC assemblies mated –GSFC radiometers received and installed –He shroud installed, leak checks completed –MLI closeouts complete –Instrumentation installation and checkout complete Cool down started on April 17 th Competed testing on May 26th Data analysis is complete Core Test Article Installation on Chamber Lid He Shroud Installation 12
1/3 Scale Sunshield completed testing in December
Telescope Pathfinder and Flight structure at ATK 14
Primary Mirror Segment Status A2, A4 and B3 during Integration for Cryo Test #2 in the XRCF, August, Flight PMSAs (6 A, 6 B, and 6 C segments) are at various stages of completion –All segments have completed the surface grinding processes at Tinsley –All but 5 segments have completed the rough polish process at Tinsley –16 flight mirrors have been shipped to Ball from Tinsley for configuration changes, assembly integration and testing –4 flight mirrors have been at the XRCF for Cryo Deformation Testing –Next Cryo Deformation test with 5 flight and the completely polished ETU mirrors is scheduled to start in early January –A1 is the first flight mirror in Cryo Null Polishing, now at Tinsley
Mirror Processing at Tinsley EDU preparing for final polish run EDU in Optical Test C4 in Flipping Fixture TM in Optical Test
A2, A4 and C3 PMSA’s at the MSFC XRCF
EDU PMSA Completed Final Polishing at Tinsley!
EDU PMSA in it’s Shipping Container
Status of Secondary, Tertiary and Fine Steering Mirrors Secondary Mirrors –EDU SM is in final testing at BATC and is scheduled for delivery as a pathfinder in March 2010 –Flight SM is in initial rough polishing at Tinsley, pre-cryo testing Tertiary Mirror –Flight TM has completed cryo and integration deformation testing at BATC –Flight TM has begun Cryo Null Polishing at Tinsley Fine Steering Mirror –Flight FSM has successfully completed cryo deformation testing at BATC; the null figure polishing target map is being developed –Cryo Null Polishing of the Flight FSM is scheduled to begin next at Tinsley EDU SM TM FSM
Secondary Mirror (SM) in cryo testing at Ball
Mirror Status at Tinsley As of 11/30/09 TM1 EDU SM1 Pathfinder EDU Flight Flight C7 LEGEND Not at L-3 SSG-Tinsley Even Slice Figure Grind Smooth Out Grind Rough / Smooth Out Polish Interleave Stability / Final Prep Shipped to BATC Cryo Null Figure Final Optical Test Delivered – – – – – Pathfinder C5 B8 C6 B3 C1 C2 A1 A6 A5 A2 C4 A3 A4 C3 B5 B6 B7 SM2 B2 FSM
Mirror coating will start at QCI this year JWST Dedicated Coating Chamber Chamber and coating qualification on schedule to support flight coating –FSM and TMA will be coated in Feb 2010 –PMSA EDU will be coated in Apr 2010 GSE Mirror Support in Final Steps of Integration and Test Coating Chamber Final Integration Coating Chamber Installed
Sunshield IVA Deployment Testing Kapton Spring Under Load
Stored Sunshield IVA with the OTE Simulator
26 Ground System: Thirty-two Common Command and Telemetry Systems (CCTSs) have been deployed around the world to support ISIM, science instrument and spacecraft flight software development and integration and test activities The JWST Certification Facility has been established to test and certify operations products (command procedures, onboard scripts, telemetry monitors, etc) for use before testing against engineering models and flight hardware The Ka band upgrades required to support JWST L&EO and normal operations have been completed at the DSN Canberra and Goldstone sites; the Madrid site has been upgraded and is currently undergoing testing Program Status and Recent Progress (Continued)
27 Ground Segment: Science instrument teams around the world using their SITS and SIDU systems Program Status and Recent Progress (Continued)
28 Ground Segment: Observatory I&T Control Room at NGAS Program Status and Recent Progress (Continued)
29 Ground Segment: JWST Certification Facility Program Status and Recent Progress (Continued)
30 Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) –Successfully completed ISIM Level CDR in March –ISIM structure delivered to the GSFC in August –ISIM Command and Data Handling (IC&DH) unit and Remote Services Unit (IRSU) making good progress Instruments: –MIRI - MIRI Verification Model (VM) completed it’s second cryo test - Selected flight and spare detectors and built into Focal Plane Module’s (FPM’s) - Instrument shield (for cryo cooler) concept baselined - Flight Model integration underway –NIRSpec - Selection of flight detectors agreed to by NASA & ESA - Development Model (DM) cryo testing is complete; Successful Pre Ship Review held - Flight Microshutter Array and Control Electronics in final testing - Flight Model (FM) integration underway –NIRCam - Selected flight detectors for NIRCam - Build up of the NIRCam Engineering Test Unit (ETU) well underway - Completed the Triplet bonded mount CDR and started bonding the brass board lenses –FGS - FGS flight detectors (including the spare) have been selected - ETU integration is complete; environmental testing is underway - Flight Model integration underway Program Status and Recent Progress (Continued)
31 JWST Instrument Engineering, Verification and Development Models FGS EM integration is complete MIRI VM testing is complete! NIRSpec DM testing is Complete! NIRCam ETU undergoing I&T
NIRSpec Flight Model started Integration
NIRCam ZnSe & BaFl Brass Board Optics successfully bonded in new mounts!
Flight ISIM Structure in the SSDIF
ISIM Kinematic Mount Installation
ISIM & OSIM Hardware in the SSDIF Support and Mobility for OSIM registration and Integration (SAMORAI). OSIM optical bench is mounted in SAMORAI ISIM Structure HST VEST Equipment Foreground: theodolites and metrology equipment Center-Left: OSIM optical components (wrapped) Background: ISIM Structure
37 SES Shroud in GSFC Bldg 10 for ISIM Testing
Fabreeka Isolators GIS UG Flexures He Shroud SES UG ITP Cryoset Test Configuration (some minor details not correct) ITP He Shroud Fabreeka Isolators MGSE Installed in SES for ISIM Structure Cryotesting
Major near term reviews, tests and deliveries: - Sunshield CDR scheduled for January Start ISIM Structure cryoset test January MIRI Structural Thermal Model delivery to GSFC in February NIRSpec Engineering Model delivery to GSFC in February FGS Engineering Model delivery to GSFC in March Flight NIRSpec Micro Shutter Subsystem delivery to ESA in March MIRI flight Focal Plane System (FPS) delivery to RAL in March NIRSpec flight Focal Plane System (FPS) delivery to ESA in March NIRCam Engineering Model delivery to GSFC in April Mission Critical Design Review in April IRSU Flight Model delivery in May ISIM Flight Structure delivery to I&T in August ISIM Electronics Compartment Flight Model delivery in August 2010 Major Near Term Milestones
40 Successfully passed our Confirmation Review the Summer of 2008 Launch Readiness Date is June 2014 Engineering or Verification Models for the science instruments are complete or completing integration and test activities They will be delivered to the GSFC over the next several months Integration of the flight instruments is underway Continuing to make good progress on critical path items Getting ready for our Mission CDR in April Project Summary
ICDH ETU (Region 3) Flight Structure SM Hexapod NS FPA Heatstrap IEC Shell in Fabrication Kinematic Mounts NS Flight Integration ISIM Under Construction IRSU FLT Chassis MIRI VM FGS ETU IEC Prototype Baffles NIRCam ETU Bench
Primary Mirror Segment Secondary Mirror Segment Membrane mgmt Mid-boom Test ISIM Flight Bench PM Flight Backplane SMSS Pathfinder Strut SM Hexapod IC&DH unit ETU Tertiary Mirror Fine Steering Mirror Pathfinder membrane JWST Under Construction 42