KMA One Response Management MAPICS First Half 2004 Review
July 2004MAPICS Review2 Agenda Process Responders Initiatives Leads Costs Review process Responders in first half of 2004 Responders by initiatives Leads by source Review costs Review process Responders in first half of 2004 Responders by initiatives Leads by source Review costs
July 2004MAPICS Review3 Response Management Process Agenda Process Responders Initiatives Leads Costs MAPICS Marketing Initiatives Regular Activities Website responders responders Phone Other Special Initiatives Events Telemarketing from other vendors Postcard mailing campaigns Special advertisements KMA Response Management MAPICS CRM Enter into CRM Update contact record with new information Create a Task Assign task to owner of account Status = Active YesNo Send (If follow up required for active task) Enter into CRM Update contact record with new information Create a Task Create a Note with results of phone call Assign to owner of account for customer (otherwise, to Mark Beauvais) Status = Active or Closed Phone call ask about needs Is responder a registered lead or has active oppty? Follow up call Check CRM for Account Status Create Oppty
July 2004MAPICS Review4 Results to date TotalAverage per month Responses 5, LeadsA Immediate B 5710 FYI Total leads Agenda Process Responders Initiatives Leads Costs
July 2004MAPICS Review5 Responses Agenda Process Responders Initiatives Leads Costs
July 2004MAPICS Review6 Responses Agenda Process Responders Initiatives Leads Costs
July 2004MAPICS Review7 Comments on Responses Agenda Process Responders Initiatives Leads Costs General web responders Daily inquiries from customers and prospects requesting information from MAPICS website Over 50% of responses are from General web responders – daily activity Initiatives Flowed in waves Industry Week – most responders. Quality of responder varied greatly. General web responders Daily inquiries from customers and prospects requesting information from MAPICS website Over 50% of responses are from General web responders – daily activity Initiatives Flowed in waves Industry Week – most responders. Quality of responder varied greatly.
July 2004MAPICS Review8 Leads Agenda Process Responders Initiatives Leads Costs
July 2004MAPICS Review9 Cost summary JanFebMarAprMayJunTotal Baseline costs$790 $4,740 Responses , ,930 Leads Follow up cost$2,203$2,993$3,850$5,183$7,546$2,721$24,500 Total Cost$2,993$3,783$4,640$5,973$8,336$3,511$29,340 Cost per response $4.65$4.40$4.83$4.89$5.59$4.65$4.93 Agenda Process Responders Initiatives Leads Costs
July 2004MAPICS Review10 Comments on costs Baseline costs include fixed management fees, inbound response fees, and warehousing fees. Agenda Process Responders Initiatives Leads Costs