Harvest Time John 4: Harvest Time John 4:27-42.


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Presentation transcript:

Harvest Time John 4:27-42

Review Jesus met a Samaritan woman by a well His disciples were in town buying food He offered her living water Words of God leading to eternal life Which could be a spring of living water within Leading others to eternal life Later He confronted her with the fact He was the Messiah After proving to her that He was a prophet Now she had the essential knowledge, but what would happen . . .

The disciples return John 4:27 They find Jesus speaking to the Samaritan woman They are surprised Don’t know if she asked something of Him Or did He speak to her first But know enough to know not to interrupt Perhaps didn’t even get close enough to hear

The woman’s testimony John 4:28-30 So excited at hearing the news that He was the Christ that she didn’t finish her errand Left her water pot Told the people of town the two essential elements of her conversation There was a prophet at the well Told her everything she had done Her marriages and non-marriage And He is perhaps the Christ Asks people to consider the possibility She already knew He was Christ

Jesus and His disciples John 4:31-33 When they left Jesus He was tired and they went to get some food It is now afternoon, so after the woman leaves they decide it’s time to eat Jesus says, He has had food to eat The disciples think someone must have brought Him some food But as with His discussion of living water, they are being too literal

Spiritual food John 4:34 Jesus said His food was doing the will of the Father and completing His work Have you ever been so involved in an activity that the thought of food left you? Has it ever been a Bible study or discussion or an activity based in scripture (a singing, etc)? That’s what Jesus was telling His disciples Doing the will of the Father was what kept Him going And of course, He was already looking forward to the completion of that activity

Harvest time John 4:35 Jesus explains with an analogy Most people think it takes 4 months from planting to harvest The approximate time for grain to ripen But when doing God’s planting the harvest may not be so slow Jesus just minutes ago had planted a seed in the woman’s heart Now He says, ‘Look, the harvest is ready’ When barley ripens it turns white The Samaritans traditionally wore light colored garments The people coming out in a huge crowd walking to the well probably looked like a white barley field

Sowing and Reaping John 4:36-38 Soul-winning is like farming: needs sowing and reaping The process of sowing In agriculture, sowing involves preparing the soil and planting the seed In winning souls to Christ, sowing likewise involves preparation and planting (Lk 8:4-15) Hearts are being prepared to receive the gospel Hearts are first introduced to the gospel A process involving time and effort (teaching and influence) often with little visible results

Sowing and Reaping The process of reaping In agriculture, reaping is the harvesting of what has been sown A time of joy and thanksgiving In winning souls to Christ, reaping involves a similar harvest Involving souls who have already heard the Word Involving souls who decide to obey the Word A process involving conversion, with great joy and excitement over the results

Reaping where others have sown As the crowd moved closer, Jesus tells His disciples they will reap what another planted Jesus had planted the seed in the woman The woman had scattered seed in town Sometimes this happens today Perhaps someone has shared the gospel or just demonstrated a Christian life They bring someone who is ‘ripe’ for harvesting Sometimes we misunderstand and glorify the reaper as a great soul-winner Forgetting all the hard labor of the sower

Sowing for others to reap John 4:39-42 Though the sowing and reaping occurred close in time, they were separate activities More often there is time between planting and harvesting Might be hard to put in a lot of effort and not see the end result Sometimes misinterpreted as being unproductive But consider the words of Anne Stevens song, “The Apples in a Seed”

“The Apples in a Seed” In the fruitful tree there is an apple, Deep within the apple, many seeds, So the Father set all things in order, Knowing what everything would need. You may count the seeds within the apple, You may count the apples on the tree, You may count the trees within the orchard, Who can count the apples in a seed? Who can count the apples in a seed? Who can say how much the fruit will grow? Who can know the harvest of tomorrow? Who can count the apples in a seed?

“The Apples in a Seed” From the mind of God before creation, From the heart of heaven, mercy’s plan, Bringing peace to every tribe and nation, Heaven’s hope for lost and dying man. God would take the brightest Star of Heaven, Send Him down to hang upon a tree, Tell the world that Jesus is redemption, Say He came to pardon you and me. Who can count the apples in a seed? Who can say how far the Word will go? Who can know the harvest of tomorrow? Who can count the apples in a seed?

“The Apples in a Seed” Do not doubt that someone will believe it, Though a hundred hear and turn away, For if only one heart will receive it, Through the one, a thousand may obey. It may be a gentleman of ninety, It may be a child of only ten, Sow the precious seed for the Almighty, You can watch it multiply again! Who can count the apples in a seed? Who can say how far the Word will go? Who can know the harvest of tomorrow? Who can count the apples in a seed?

Conclusion A simple conversation by a well led to many becoming believers in Christ What if He had decided not to talk to a Samaritan woman? What if He decided He was too tired or too hungry to have a religious discussion? How many opportunities have we let slip through our fingers? Are we planting the seed? Are we harvesting what others have sown? Or are we sitting idly by?