Necessity to get through an average teenage life. Teens usually spend it for personal needs. TO GET THIS YOU NEED TO WORK HARD!!
“1. a medium of exchange that functions as legal tender 2. the official currency, in the form of banknotes, coins, etc, issued by a government or other authority “
Use it to buy clothes, games, etc. - Earned by doing chores for parents Either spend it wisely or waste it
Teaches responsibility (eg. saving money) Earning $= makes you feel independent Makes you work hard -doing chores, having a job Own $$ = spending it how YOU like (personal needs)
Can waste $ on unnecessary things Like things you can only use once, Very easy to break items People can just use other people Just for their $$ $$ Can take over your life, making you busy with work $$ = Wastes trees Kids can buy drugs w/ out parents knowing
How some of us see it
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By Ralitsa and Melissa ^__^