Why was Jesus upset with the people in the temple JESUS AND THE TEMPLE
The Fig tree Isaiah 5:1-7 This was intended to make a point. It was a symbolic action. The Fig tree is a symbol of Israel, Gods people. What does it all represent Isaiah is comparing God to the owner of Israel (vineyard) God looked after his vineyard and he expected a good crop. This meant Israel would love, obey and follow after God. Why does Jesus curse a Fig tree
When the prophet Micah says that he looked for a crop of figs, what does he mean Micah 7:1,2 Looked for righteousness in Israel, but he didn’t find any.What happened to the fig tree after Jesus spoke a harsh judgement against it? It died, it was destroyed.
The temple Why was Jesus angry He said the Gentiles would one day be part of Gods people and get to worship in the temple, just like the Israelites. He was angry because Israel had not done well and they had come to hate the Gentiles The temple was the centerpiece of Israel‘s religion, the holy place where the people were able to meet with God and offer sacrifices. It had come to symbolize the nation of Israel as a whole.
Jeremiah 7:2-15 Are they better off than the Israelites in the northern kingdom who were carried off into exile No, God said that the Israelites in Judah had better repent and not think they were safe from judgment just because they have the temple They lacked true belief but they thought everything was fine. Both relate to judgment of Israel
Fig tree temple fig tree Why was the Fig tree judged Judged for failing to produce fruit Jesus was angry because Israel was not opening the temple up to other people. They had made it exclusively for the Jews.