Welcome to Business
Computers Keep liquids away!!
Only significant danger is when plugging or touching an electrical cord. We have LOTS of cords in here. ***Leave the plugging and unplugging to me.**
Computers Start Shutdown Turn off monitor
WATCH THOSE ELECTRICAL SOCKETS ON THE FLOOR! You will trip…….. And I will laugh…jk
Safety Rules for the Internet Never give out personal information, such as your name, address and telephone number. Do not communicate with strangers online. Treat people with respect and dignity. Report abusive or offensive web sites to your parents and teachers.
Safety Rules for the Internet Protect your user name and password. Do not share this information. Carefully select the web sites you visit. Stay away from web sites that promote violence, hate or sexual material.
Repetitive Stress Injuries Repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) are injuries that happen when too much stress is placed on a part of the body, resulting in inflammation (pain and swelling), muscle strain, or tissue damage. This stress generally occurs from repeating the same movements over and over again.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome? Symptoms usually start gradually, with frequent burning, tingling, or itching numbness in the palm of the hand and the fingers, especially the thumb and the index and middle fingers. Some carpal tunnel sufferers say their fingers feel useless and swollen, even though little or no swelling is apparent.
Computer Vision Syndrome Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a very real problem for many people who spend hours daily in front of a computer screen.
Proper Posture Back Straight Feet Flat on Floor Wrists straight with elbow bent slightly
First Aid Kit
Fire Extinguishers
Pull the pin Aim at the base of the flames Squeeze the extinguisher handle Sweep the nozzle back and forth
Severe Weather
Evacuation Evacuation Plan is posted on the black bulletin board Out of the classroom Go out past the gravel into the grass Line up and wait for roll call