Acid and Base Ch 15 and
Naming of acids 1.In a binary acid, the negative anion ends in -ide. The name begins with the prefix hydro-, stem and ends with -ic acid. hydro______ ic acid HF HCl HBr hydroflouric acid hydrochloric acid Hydrobromic acid stem
2. In an oxy acid, the negative anion ends in –ate, use the stem and the name ends with -ic acid. ______ ic acid HNO 3 H 2 SO 4 H 3 PO 4 CH 3 COOH nitric acid phosphoric acid sulfuric acid acetic acid
3. In an oxy acid, if the negative anion ends in –ite, use the stem and the name ends with -ous acid. _______ ous acid HNO 2 H 2 SO 3 H 3 PO 3 nitrous acid sulfurous acid phosphorous acid
Some Common Bases NaOH KOH Ba(OH) 2 Mg(OH) 2 Al(OH) 3 Sodium hydroxide Potassium hydroxide Barium hydroxide Magnesium hydroxide Aluminum hydroxide
Learning Check Match the formulas with the names: A. ___ HNO 2 1) hydrochloric acid B. ___Ca(OH) 2 2) sulfuric acid C. ___H 2 SO 4 3) sodium hydroxide D. ___HCl4) nitrous acid E. ___NaOH5) calcium hydroxide
Match the formulas with the names: A. ___ HClO 4 1) hydrochloric acid B. ___HClO2) chlorous acid C. ___HClO 3 3) chorous acid D. ___HCl4) hypochloric acid E. ___HClO 2 5) perchloric acid
Learning Check Acid, Base Name or Salt CaCl 2 ______________________ KOH_______________________ Ba(OH) 2 ______ _________________ HBr_______________________ H 2 SO 4 ________________________ saltCalcium chloride basePottasium hydroxide base Barium hydroxide acid Hydrobromic acid acidSulfuric acid