Workshop Visualization of Biological Complexes October 11-12, 2003
Goals Review technology in visual biology Define future needs in visualization of biological complexes in research labs Define challenges & solutions in sharing 3-D structures of complexes in public domain What types of resources are needed? What are the funding options to meet the research challenges in visual biology and bioinformatics?
9:00 am Chiu: Welcome and Introduction 9:15 am Berman Group: Challenges in Visualization of Complexes in PDB 10:05 am Coffee break 10:30 am Chiu Group: Structural Features Extraction and Animation of Complexes 11:20 am Sali Group: Modeling the Structures of Macromolecular Assemblies 12:10 pm Lunch Break
1:30 pm Bajaj Group: Quantitative Visualization of Static and Dynamic Biological Complexes 2:20 am David Goodsell, Michel Sanner, Art Olson: Representation, Implementation and Interaction: Challenges for Macromolecular Assemblies 3:10 pm Break 3:30 pm Ferrin Group: Multiscale Structural Modeling with UCSF Chimera and Data Quality Problems in Virus PDB Models 4:20 pm Carazo Group: Alternative Representation of Complexes
5:10 pm Chiu: General Discussions 6:00 pm Happy Hour 6:30 pm Dinner in the East Ocean Restaurant, 3199 Powell, Emeryville
October 12 (Sunday) 8:45 am Moreland Group: MBT - A Java Toolkit for Molecular Visualization 9:35 am Delano Group: Issues Surrounding the Use of Open-Source PyMOL to Visualize Large Complexes 10:25 am Break 11:00 am Berman: General Discussions and Possible Future Collaborations 12:30 pm End
Few Logistics Meals Room Charge Travel reimbursement Wireless Connection
Summary Problems in annotating complexes in PDB New user interface for visualization to make visualization for “dummy” New algorithms for quantitative visualization and representation Cryo-EM (4-20 A) structures are expanding and need institutionalized archiving Modeling tools are maturing to provide informative models for biologists Continue an annual meeting and periodic video conferencing Organize a special issue of papers in a journal