Managing the Natura 2000 network: state of play, challenges and opportunities
Natura 2000: Europe's areas of high biodiversity value sites km² 18 % EU land ~4 % EU seas Largest co-ordinated PA network Almost complete on land Some additional work for marine
Current status of Natura 2000 covers 18% of land area and ca. 4% of marine area of the EU Member States, in sites (Birds and Habitats Directive) terrestrial part of the network now almost complete, still many additional sites required at sea increasing focus over time on site management and financing of Natura 2000, and on further enhanced collaboration with land owners & users
Monitoring & Reporting First Member State assessments done for 2009 EU composite report or ‘Health Check’ showed Only 17% deemed to be in favourable conservation status Grasslands, wetlands & coastal habitats most under pressure The job is far from done! New reporting cycle underway – MS to submit national reports in 2013
Other monitoring tools: e.g. EU common birds Index in Europe population index (1980 = 100) European Red Lists
EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 « Our life insurance, our natural capital » A 2050 VISION European Union biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides – its natural capital – are protected, valued and appropriately restored… A 2020 HEADLINE TARGET Halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU and restore them insofar as feasible, and step up the EU's contribution to averting global biodiversity loss
EU Biodiversity Strategy Target 1: Nature Conservation Objective: halt deterioration in status of all species and habitats covered by EU nature legislation and achieve a significant and measurable improvement in their status by 2020 Actions Complete the establishment of the Natura 2000 network and ensure good management Ensure adequate financing of Natura 2000 sites Increase stakeholder awareness and involvement and improve enforcement Improve and streamline monitoring and reporting
Future Management of Natura 2000 (Article 4.4 and 6.1) SCI SAC (6 year deadline overdue) Define Conservation Objectives Establish Conservation Measures Develop Management Plans, Legal, statutory or contractual arrangements Full stakeholder engagement New biogeographical Seminars on management/restoration
Sectoral specific guidelines and Article 6 of Habitats Directive Aims at providing guidance on how economic activities can be reconciled with Natura 2000 requirements + good practices Prepared with the assistance of Working Group (Member States, sectors and NGOs) Key issues: Importance of sectors in the EU Knowledge of risk factors Value of Strategic planning Appropriate assessment of plans/projects according to Art. 6 of the Habitats Directive; mitigation; alternatives; compensation
Strategy for financing Natura 2000 Article 8 of the Habitats Directive – legal basis for EU co-financing; Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAFs); Integration approach; Communication on financing N2000 in 2004 and SWD in 2011.
Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAFs) – tool to assess needs and priorities; PAFs objectives: Strengthen strategic planning; Identify priorities for Natura 2000 management; Improve awareness about socio-economic benefits from Natura 2000; Identify and assess forms of funding for Natura PAFs received from 22 MS; other expected
Proposed format for Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAFs) A. Introductory overview of Natura 2000 network for territory; B. Status of the habitats and species; C. Legal and administrative provisions for protection and management of Natura 2000; D. Current experience with use of EU financial instruments; E. Current estimate of financial needs for management of Natura 2000 for territory; F. Strategic conservation priorities for Natura 2000 for ; G. Description of key measures to achieve priorities; H. Monitoring, evaluation and updating.
Support for the Member States Contract to improve uptake of funds for Natura 2000: updated guide (2nd half 2013) toolkit: introduction + check lists (already available) on-line communication platform examples of good integration seminars in the MS (2nd half 2013 – 1st half 2014)
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