TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES - EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS advisor for education at Slovenian Chamber of Pharmacy part-time employed at the Faculty of Pharmacy –social pharmacy.
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES - EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Working experiences Pharmacy Dispensing Pharmacist Tutor Institute of Public Health Monitoring medicines use - statistics.
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES - EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Pharmacist’s responsibilities / competences Dispensing medicine: On Rp Without Rp
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES- - EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Promoting appropriate use of medicines Healthy life style ….
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES- EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Pharmacist should be: Care giver Decision maker Manager Communicator Teacher Leader…….….
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES -EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Chamber / employer opinion: A pharmacist must be capable to give advice, information about medicines and health matters, in an appropriate manner, understandable, clear, simple, but professional.
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES- EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Chamber’s tasks: exercising of public powers in the area of education of interns, specialisations, continuous education, namely monitoring and planning exercising of public powers in the area of professional supervision
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES - EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Other tasks of the Chamber include taking part in forming university studies programmes,…
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES- EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Knowledge needed: Communication skills Legislative Ethics Management …
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES - EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Current state: In the last five yeas there were no possibilities to take an active part in university studies programmes. Our cooperation was kept on the minimum of receiving information on the programmes, when they had already been prepared. The possibility of influencing the forming of the programmes was just formal, de facto the Chamber was not included in the development – our proposals were not accepted.
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES- EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Conclusions: The students are well / excellently equipped with theoretical knowledge but less with applicable knowledge - real life The learning methods are old fashioned, i.e. lectures, exercises in the laboratories Problem based learning is very rare, discussions are scarce Personnel, teachers have not enough practical knowledge
TAKING PART AT REFORM OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES- EXPERIENCES OF EMPLOYERS Proposals: Introduce new approaches of learning methods - problem based learning Recruiting more teachers from practice Improving cooperation with employer at the forming of a study programme Add more knowledge management,…