QUALITY STATUS REPORT 2010 Stephen Malcolm Cefas/Defra UK
OSPAR Commission, QSR2010 presentation v2 Main Objectives to prevent and eliminate pollution to protect the sea from adverse effects of human activities to safeguard human health to conserve marine ecosystems and, to restore affected marine areas In doing so to apply an ecosystem approach to apply the precautionary principle, the “polluter pays” principle, and BAT and BEP to adopt and implement programmes and measures periodic general assessments of the quality status of the North-East Atlantic and its sub- regions (Quality Status Reports) About OSPAR
OSPAR Commission, QSR2010 presentation v2 OSPAR Maritime Area
OSPAR Commission, QSR2010 presentation v2 15 States in the North East Atlantic catchments: BelgiumDenmarkFinland FranceGermanyIceland IrelandLuxembourgThe Netherlands NorwayPortugalSpain SwedenSwitzerlandThe United Kingdom and the European Community Involvement of IGOs and NGOs OSPAR Contracting Parties
OSPAR Commission, QSR2010 presentation v2 What is a Quality Status Report? QSRs are statements on the health status of the sea, including: analysis of the hydrodynamics, chemistry, habitats and biota the impact of humans over space and time against this background of natural variability the cumulative and relative impact of all the human pressures on the marine environment. evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures taken identification of priorities for action basis for further implementing the ecosystem approach
OSPAR Commission, QSR2010 presentation v2 North Sea Quality Status Reports published in 1987 and 1993 drew together for the first time all available information on inputs to the sea, concentration levels and effects of pollutants Quality Status Report 2000 comprehensive assessment of the environmental quality of the North-East Atlantic based upon regional QSRs prepared for each of the five OSPAR regions based on six years scientific work on monitoring and assessment, supported by monitoring over a much longer period. major issues identified: the impact of fisheries and the continuation of work to combat hazardous substances Quality Status Report 2010 launched at the 2010 OSPAR Ministerial Meeting in Bergen, Norway QSR History
OSPAR Commission, QSR2010 presentation v2 to assess the quality status of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic to evaluate progress in applying the ecosystem approach to the management of human activities which may affect the marine environment, and (as part of this) in implementing the OSPAR Strategies; to highlight any new, changed or emerging threats to the marine environment; to identify priorities for regulatory action; to identify significant gaps in knowledge in order to define priorities for further scientific, economic and/or social investigations to cover, as far as possible, the initial assessment requirements of the EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive (c.f. Article 8 Initial Assessment) QSR 2010 main objectives
Key findings Introduction North East-Atlantic Climate change Eutrophication Hazardous substances Radioactive substances Offshore oil and gas industry Use of living marine Resources Other human uses and impacts Protection and Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Towards ecosystem assessment Regional summaries QSR contents Thematic Chapters
OSPAR Commission, QSR2010 presentation v2 QSR Calendar Preparation and groundwork phase September September 2007 Development phase September April 2009 QSR compilation and drafting phase April October 2009 Stakeholder e-consultation November 2009 – see OSPAR website Scientific Peer Review November – December 2009 Publication phase January 2010 – April 2010 QSR launch OSPAR Ministerial meeting September 2010, Bergen
WGs QSR Package QSR 2010 QSR 2010 e-QSR Data collection (e.g. CAMP, RID, CEMP) & Quality Assurance WGs Eutrophication Haz Subs Specific Assessments JAMP Fisheries Shipping Climate JAMP Fisheries Shipping Climate Special ‘Utrecht’ EcoQOs Special ‘Utrecht’ EcoQOs
Making the POINT: Thematic Chapters Conclusions & Recommendations
Making the POINT: Key Findings Several bullet points detailing Key Findings AND The QSR recommends ………..
Making the POINT: Thematic Chapter Summary Tables with ‘Action Needed’
Ad Some conclusions
Qualitative summary of regional status in delivering OSPAR Strategy objectives (QSR fig 12.1)
Title Successes Inputs of pollutants have reduced Fisheries management has improved List of species and habitats in need of protection Tested Ecological Quality Objectives Collective and innovative assessment approaches
Many challenges remain Loss of biodiversity continues Climate change and ocean acidification Increasing and new activities
QSR 2010 : Gave clear direction to revision of the OSPAR Strategies and the new JAMP Provides a platform for national Initial Assessments under the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive Demonstrates the urgency and need to tackle impacts in the Arctic Highlights OSPAR’s attempts to integrate the ecosystem approach, inherent difficulties and data gaps Uses Best practice vis a vis Assessment of Assessment
OSPAR Commission, QSR2010 presentation v2 Contact OSPAR Commission Victoria House Southampton Row London WC1B 4DA / UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) address: Website: QSR: Photography: Audrey Baconnais-Rosez, Jennifer Labédie, John Dunn, David Johnson, Colin Moffat