BIODIVERSITY AND CHANGE 1.What is biodiversity? 2.Why is it important in tropical rainforests? In what ways? 3.How and why is biodiversity reduced in this biome? 4.What are the impacts of this?
1. What is biodiversity? “Biological diversity – or biodiversity – is the term given to the variety of life on Earth. It is the variety within and between all species of plants, animals and micro-organisms and the ecosystems within which they live and interact”.
Read Codrington P Define BIOSPHERE. How does it interlink with the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere? Define ECOSYSTEM and BIOME.
2. Why is biodiversity important in tropical rainforests? Use the links below to create a list of the ways in which rainforest biodiversity is important. Focus specifically on the Amazon Rainforest, and include statistics and evidence accordingly. cares importance-of-t/ Futher reading: The Wider Importance of Rainforests
3. How and why is biodiversity reduced in this biome? (CAUSES) amazon-rainforest-study-carnegie-institution Whilst DEFORESTATION is the major cause of biodiversity loss in rainforests, this happens for several reasons. Use the above links to outline why the following five occur: Agricultural colonisation, cattle pastures, mining, HEP, forestry / logging.
4. What are the IMPACTS of this?
Rainforest Restoration (RESPONSES)