Warm up Get back in your groups from yesterday Get out your notebooks Number and Label your notebooks AP World History Cover Page (3-5 visuals) Page 1- left page- World Map handout Page 2- right page- Building Blocks of Civilization flip up Page 3- LP- 5 Marker Events from Chapter 1- Visual Timeline Page 4- RP- Unit 1: Technological and Environmental Transformation to c. 600 BCE- COVER PAGE Page 5- Jared Diamond Page 6- Guns, Germs, and Steel Video Questions
Go over your answers to the questions on the video Discuss the Jared Diamond article
From Hunter-Gathers to Farmers
Hunter-Gatherers Nomadic Limited to what could be carried Yields less food, no surplus More variety in diet; healthier Children spaced four years apart Less disease from sparse populations and no domesticated animals No formal government or social structure Egalitarian- no social structure, gender inequality Less development of technology
Farmers Began around 11,000 BCE Ability to farm and domesticate animals Had food surpluses which could be stored More dependent on crops, less biodiversity, less healthy Shorter birth interval Dense population More disease due to contact with domesticated animals Humans begin to claim territories and not share Eventually leads to cities
Contd. Need for authority; governments, armies, laws Need for priests Specialization in jobs Writing Social stratification and social status Inequality between men and women Fewer people live the good life More technology Produced “civilizations”
Let’s Compare Hunter-GatherersFarmers Nomadic Less food, no surplus More variety in diet; healthier Children spaced apart Less disease because no domesticated animals and no tight living spaces Sedentary More food, surplus Less variety in diet; unhealthier Children close together More disease because of domesticated animals and close living spaces
Still comparing……. Hunter-GatherersFarmers No formal government Egalitarian- no social structure, gender equity Less development of technology Need for authority, so development of armies, governments, laws, judges Specialization in jobs Social stratification and inequality between men and women More technology