Objectives - 11 We will work with processing Arrays. Objectives: Describe the concept of an array and its benefits. Define the terms index, traverse, and populate. Declare arrays (using two techniques). Write simple Java code to process the elements of an array. Explain the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and off-by-one errors. Use an initializer list to create an array.
Objectives - Week 12 We will continue working with arrays. Objectives: Explain how arrays are passed as parameters into methods. Describe how arrays of objects are organized. Declare and use 2-dimensional arrays. Declare and process multi-dimensional arrays. Describe the bubble sort, selection sort and insertion sort algorithms. Implement the above sorting algorithms. Use arrays to sort data.
Objectives - Week 12 We will examine other uses for arrays. Objectives: Use command-line arguments in a Java program. Define recursion. Give an example of a recursive method. Write a recursive method to solve a simple problem. Identify the conditions required for recursion. Describe how the String class uses arrays. Use methods of the String class to process user strings. Use the StringTokenizer class to process String objects. Study for the Final Exam