Goals of this Session: Talk about what other items are customers using … share some experiences Challenges with colleagues, superintendent’s dept, IT, … where do we still have staff/employee related information on spreadsheets – secondary systems – where/what can we tackle next? H/R – What Next?
Employee Incidents, Injury, WCB – EIS.325 –Record incidents, prepare reports, statistical reporting –In MB now also handles ‘V’iolent incident reporting (MB legislated activity) by using a V Cause Code… other MB districts utilizing? H/R – What Next?
Employee Incidents, Injury, WCB – EIS.325 –7Oaks is wondering about injury maintenance to work more like evaluation Injury record is open in CIMS (but who would add this?) Injury document is attached to records Administrator verifies Record, potentially adds additional attachment(s) H/R – What Next?
Required Documents – REQDOCS Certificate –Manage those things you are still expecting to receive back –EIS.180 H/R – What Next? # - missing * - expired BSD - Reqdocs Access Collective Agreem CAR/CRC Pledge of Confid Certification Orientation Harass FC/EC TD1, TD1MB Dirdep GrrpIns,Bluex,Mast Ltremp,Chg,Leave
Employee Categories – EIS.121 –New Staff, 25Year Pin, T4Web, ideal tool to ‘tag’ staff –Very reportable in EIS.530 H/R – What Next? APPLST* ON APPLICANT LIST CAR* CHILD ABUSE REGISTRY CHECK CPT30* CPP Election to Stop Contributing CRC* CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK ERC emergency response committe FLRSTS* Employee Folder Status DestroyedYY,Archive HEAR Hearing Screening LEAVE 1-DEF 2-MAT 3-PER 4-ED 5-LTI 6 NEWSTF* NEW STAFF YEAR STARTED PROB PROBATIONARY PERIOD 123EC SUBLST* ON SUBSTITUTE LIST T4WEB* T4 Web Print Only WSH WSH REPRESENTATIVE 25YR 25YR PIN 2010,2011, RISK Risk Response Team SUBHK Request hardcopy of Sub Handbook * - Created by CIMS
Staff Office telephone numbers of new VOIP –Staff Directory or EC Directory tab.. How to manage staff work numbers?? Is this on a spreadsheet somewhere? –BSD Idea: Use ACS.260 on the generic profile to keep the office telephone#.. Telephone# stays with that position … not the person … SHOW THIS IN EMP DIRECTORY –RETSD: Employee keeps an extension forever, assign extension right on PRO.300 line (Unique) and it is part of their nightly IT information (to setup CISCO) H/R – What Next?
PD – Where to record PD record and/or certificates? –PD views in EC (under workshop tab) providing PAY.324 setup –PD and Certificate expiry can be red alerted EIS.131 –Certificate (F20) details can be visible to AC (skills) but not EC.. Suspect that we should offer F20 certificate to EC!!!! –From completed workshops can update either Certificate/Endorsement OR PD (POS.560 or POS.561) H/R – What Next?
GOAL: Address those other executive secretary areas that keep track of employee information elsewhere! –I truly believe there are dozens of situations where lists are being maintained outside CIMS that would be better suited to be within CIMS! H/R – What Next?